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The Pat and Jerry Show


Okay, we can all agree that it is a inspiring show (most children's show are from an adult perspective, remember Barnie the Dinosaur). But to have a character named "Tinky-Winky", colored purple and carries around a purse, that's just too much for some right-minded people. Rev. Falwell has also pointed out, the color purple is closely connected with homosexuality! What is the "real" message of this show?


With the World Trade Center tragedy, we've seen the Beast and know his number. What I find disturbing is how the fanatics all sing the same song. Good old Pat and Jerry were real quick to join the "this is God's punishment" chorus. Interesting company they keep. I really don't believe that's how God works. What do you think? I am glad American's a democracy. We now have another example, as if we needed one after Iran, of a Theocracy in action. So to Pat and company's vision of America, I recommend that we all just say NO. Keep my country secular!! My religion believes are my business and and should never be goverment edict.

"Rationality is the root of all evil" Wolfie the elder

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