KAM The Black Wars

Australia and Tasmania:
The Black Wars


The continent of Australia was settled some 50,000 years ago by Africoid peoples. Labeled Australian Aborigines by Europeans, these peoples refer to themselves as the Koori. Living in relative isolation from the rest of the world, the Koori population was estimated at 300,000 at the time of European contact in the 18th century. They existed in about six-hundred small communities which carried out trade with their neighbors. Each group maintained shared social and religious customs which marked Koori life.

In 1788 Britain began using Australia as a prison colony and convict settlement. When the whites encountered these peoples, the obvious phenotype similarity they share with Africans was easily noticed. Thus though the Koori had left the African continent over 60,000 years ago, millenia earlier than Europeans, they were treated with the same racist attitudes reserved for Africans of the period. The Koori soon became the victims of deliberate poisoning and calculated, systematic slaughters. The white convicts butchered and murdered the Koori like animals. They were trapped, ambushed, and massacred for their land. As if this was not enough, the Europeans brought with them infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and syphilis which killed hundreds more. The whites also engaged in the selling of Black body parts. Reports estimate that the graves of between 5,000 and 10,000 Koori were desecrated, their bodies dismembered or parts stolen. These parts were sold to western scientists interested on studying a race they saw as being on the "brink of extinction." More gruesome still, there is evidence that Koori were systematically stalked, hunted down and murdered for their body parts. By the 1930s, the Koori population of Australia had been reduced to a mere 30,000 and perhaps twice that number were of mixed descent.

Australia's Koori population were hunted and killed for their body parts which were traded to western scientists. Documents indicate that there was a traffic in Koori penises.

Whites hunted the Koori in Australia for sport such as revolver practice.

Koori women were often kidnapped, chained and exploited as sexual slaves.


The small island of Tasmania, located some 200 miles off Australia's Southeast coast, was once home to a race of Africoid people. These relatives of Australia's Koori population were the island's first human inhabitants and probably arrived there by land bridge from Australia about 10,000 years ago. Here, like their Australian cousins, they lived in small communities structured around social and traditional ties.

In 1777 the British landed on the island of Tasmania and by 1802 had established it as a prison colony on which to house Europe's criminals. As early as 1804 a deliberate campaign of genocide was enacted by the colonial British government towards Tasmania's native population. Blacks were mutilated and killed for sport. Native men were shot, speared or clubbed to death while women were tortured and used as sexual slaves. After The Black War, the official designation for the extermination of Tasmania's natives, those who survived were rounded up and placed in concentration camps. Between 1802 and 1830 the native population of Tasmania was reduced from an estimated 8,000 to 75 people. Pictured here are Truganini, William Lanney and Bessy Clarke--- the last three full-blooded Tasmanians.

In May 1876, Truganini, the last full-blooded Tasmanian, died at the age of 73. Truganini's life had been one of hardships from the very start. Her mother had been brutally stabbed to death by whites. Her uncle had been shot to death by whites. Her sisters were kidnapped and sold by whites. And her intended husband was drowned by whites in her presence while his murderers raped her. It can well be said that this woman lived the typical life of a Tasmanian native under European rule. After her burial Truganini's body was exhumed and her skeleton put upon display in a Tasmanian museum. It was not until 1976 that those who had stolen her land and destroyed her people saw fit to put her body to rest.

There is evidence of whites murdering natives in Tasmania for dog food.

Reports document whites roasting Tasmanian infants alive.

A report tells of a white man who cut off the little finger of a Tasmanian to use as a tobacco stopper.

A report tells of a white settler, desirous of a native concubine, who kills her husband, hangs his decapitated head around her neck, and then whips her to his shack.

Holocaust: The Numbers
The natives of Australia and Tasmania were decimated following contact with Europeans. The 300,000 natives whom whites encountered in Australia in the 18th century, would dwindle to a pathetic 3,000 by 1930. Today these peoples account for less than 2% of the Australian population and remain oppressed. (Photos and Information courtesy of Peoples of the Earth, and African Presence in Early Asia ed. by Runoko Rashidi and Ivan Van Sertima

The natives of Tasmania suffered an even more horrific fate for, in a sense, they were almost completely wiped out. The last full-blooded Tasmanian died in 1876. Today the remnants of her people exist as so-called "mullattoes" desperately attempting to keep their culture and traditions from fading away into extinction.

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