Genetics For The Rainbow Serpents

They are listed from Most Dominate to Most Recessive

Now types are only descriptive... The heads may not be exactly like the animal used to describle it. .


Li - Lizard - Looks More like a Kimodo Dragon. Long thick muzzle. Forked tongue

Dr - Dragon - Long muzzle with raised nostrils, sometimes a beak .

Di - Dinosaur- Thin petite muzzle.

Tt - Turtle- Short blunt muzzle, thick jaw line, sometimes a beak.

Sn - Snake - Flatter head and forked tongue.

Ali - Alligator - Very long, Semi flat muzzle, Teeth exposed along the jaw. Eyes raised sometimes.


Li - Lizard - Lengthy, thin. Sometimes the back is raised like that of a cameleon.

Sn - Snake - Very long thin body.

Tt - Turtle - Not much to say, it has a shell on it's back.

Dr - Dragon - Thick chest going to a thinner waist. More definition then the others.

Front and Back Legs

Li - Lizard - Just generic feet. Nothing too special.

Dr - Dragon - Thumbs on the for feet, back feet more claw like.

Ali - Aligator - Only thing special about these are they are webbed.

Tt - Turtle - Club like.. With blunt nails.

Di - Dinosaur - Fore feet have two fingers.. Back legs have a raptor like claw.

No - No Legs - Pretty simple.. No legs develope


Lo - Long - Long thin lizard like tail.

Sh - Short - Little tail, much like what turtles tend to have.

Fl - Flat - Great for swimming, seen on Alligators and other water reptiles.

Cu - Curled - Used for climbing..

Fa - Fat - Short and Plump

No - No Tail - Nope.. nothing there.


Horns can be anywhere on the head

N - None

Y - One Horn

Yy - Two Horns

y - Many Horns


Spikes can be anywhere on the body

N - No

Y - Yes


These are things that can develope on the neck, they do not determine the length

Nm - Normal - Nothing on the neck.

Ig - Iguana - There is a hanging flap of skin

Co - Cobra - It has a hood.

Fr - Frilled - A collar of skin around the neck


No - No Mutations

Y - Mutations

That's All Of It!

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