From This Day Forward

(October 2000)

Again, I would love to thank Donna E for being the best editor that I could hope for. Thanks, kiddo.

The usual disclaimer applies here. I do not claim the rights on the characters already created for the show - David/Starsky, Ken/Hutch, Capt Dobey, Terry Roberts, Chris, George Prudholm, Edith Dobey.

I do claim the rights to the character I created, tho, Rev. Bill Self.

"Is everything all set for tonight, Starsk?" Hutch looked over at his partner, David Starsky .

"Yup. all the preparations are underway. I will pick up the platters immediately after work. All of the children in the school have been invited and we have found rides for everyone."

David Starsky had been engaged to Terry Roberts for two days. Terry had been shot at before he proposed to her. She recieved a bullet in the head courtesy of George Prudham. George had a grudge against the Los Angeles police detective because Starsky had sent his son to prison and his son had been killed there.

Terry and David had known each other for several years and had gone from best friends to lovers. The doctors had not given much hope for Terry living much longer and so DAvid had decided to surprise her with a surprise wedding.

The original plan was for Terry and David to go out to dinnr with Hutch and Chris, but David had cooked up this plan when he found out she did not have much time left.

When Chris had been informed of the plan, she took the lead and helped to put the wedding together in two days. Most of the guests had been telephoned and had agreed to bring something to eat - a la pot luck.

The police chaplain, Rev Bill Self, had been called and he agreed to perform the ceremony.

"What about dinner. Starsk?"

"We'll still go out to dinner."

"So, it looks like everything is gonna be done that has to be done."

"Yes, she's going to be so surprised."

"Yup. The kids are going to enjoy this also."

"Yes. While we are at dinner, everyone will meet at my place and decorate, then when we arrive back at my place, everything will be ready."

"What about the rings?"

"Yeah, well, I already took care of that also. Just a plain band that I know she will love."

"Starsk, I have to hand it to you. I never thought you would be the type of person who would do it or pull it off."

"Thanks, Hutch. And Captain Dobey has agreed to let us go at 4:30, so we can go home and change and we won't be late. I don't really want it to be a late night for the children."



"Well, Starsk, are you ready to get beat once again in Monopoly?" Hutch asked as Terry, Chris, David and he arrived at Starsky's house. Everything was all set for the surprise. The children all had been picked up. Reverent Self was in position.

"Yeah, I suppose. But you know, I feel lucky tonight." David looked at Hutch and gave his a big grin.

David opened the door. making sure Terry was in front of him.

Hutch had brought his own car and he had picked up Chris and taken her to the restaurant.

David pushed open the door and everyone yelled, "Surprise, surprise."

Terry looked at David, "David, what is going on here?" She saw the sign, "Congrats David and Terry."

"Honey, how would you like to get married tonight?"

"David, do you mean that?"

"Well. We have go the guests." He motioned to all their friends. "And the preacher." He looked around for Rev Self and pointed to him. "And the rings." He pulled the rings out of his pants pocket. "And the lisence." He went over to the coffee table and showed her the lisence.

"David, this is so sudden."

"Well, sweetheart," he said in his best Humphrey Bogart voice.

"David, I would love to." Terry went over to David and gave him a big squeeze.

David gave her a big grin.

Rev Self asked Terry to stand on the left and David and Hutch went to the right. Terry looked at Chris, "Chris, will you be my maid of honour?"

Chris looked at Terry, "Sure, I would be honoured." She took her place to Terry's left.

Rev Self asked David and Terry if they wanted to say anything to each other before he began the ceremony. Both of them thought for a minute or two, and both said sure.

"Ladies, first," David said. "Terry, you can go first."

Terry thought for a minute or two and then said, "David, you have been my best friend for several years now. And when you asked me out on a real date, I was surprised. But the more I got to know you and the more time I have spend together, the more deeply I have fallen in love you. This is has to be one of the happiest nights of my life."

David looked at her for a second and then he said, "Terry, the first time I saw you, I knew we were soul mates and belonged together. It took me a long time to realize how much I wanted to be more than just friends and ever since our first date, I have realized that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you."

Rev Self began - "We are gathered here today to celebrate one of life's greatest moments, to give recognition to the worth and beauty of love, and to add our best wishes to the words which shall unite David Michael Starsky and Terry Anne Roberts in marriage. "Should there be anyone who has cause why this couple should not be united in marriage, they must speak now or forever hold their peace.

"David, and Terry, life is given to each of us as individuals, and yet we must learn to live together. Love is given to us by our family or by our friends. We learn to love by being loved. Learning to love and living together is one of the greatest challenges of life - and is the shared goal of a married life." He turned to David, "David, do you take Terry to he your Wife?"

David answered,"I do"

"Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect her, forsaking all others and holding only unto her?" "I do"

He then turned to Terry, "Terry, do you take David to be your Husband? "

She answered, "I do."

"Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect him, forsaking all others and holding only unto him?"

"I do" Rev Self continued.

"Wedding rings are an outward and visible sign of an inward spiritual grace and the unbroken circle of love, signifying to all the union of this man and this woman in marriage. May I have the rings please.." David handed them to him, "David, please say this,'I, David, take thee,Terry, to be my wife. To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, and I promise my love to you forevermore."

As David slipped the ring on her finger, he said, "I, David, take thee, Terry, to be my wife. To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, and I promise my life to you forevermore."

He turned to Terry and said, "Terry, please repeat after me, 'I, Terry, take thee, David, to be my husband. To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, and I promise My love to you forevermore."

Terry said as she slipped the ring on his finger, "I, Terry, take you, David, to be my husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, and I promise my life to you forevermore."

"David and Terry, as the two of you come into this marriage uniting you as husband and wife, and as you this day affirm your faith and love for one another, I would ask that you always remember to cherish each other as special and unique individuals, that you respect the thoughts, ideas and suggestions of one another. Be able to forgive, do not hold grudges, and live each day that you may share it together - as from this day forward you shall be each other's home, comfort and refuge, your marriage strengthened by your love and respect for each other.

"Let us pray - Dear Heavenly Father, our hearts are filled with great happiness on David and Terry's wedding day, as they come before You pledging their hearts and lives to one another. Grant that they may ever be true andloving, living together in such a way as to never bring shame or heartbreak into their marriage. Temper their hearts with kindness and understanding, rid them of all pretense or jealousy. Help them to remember to be each other's sweetheart, helpmate, best friend and guide, so that together they may meet the cares and problems of life more bravely. And with the passage of time, may they find great contentment in the rich joy of senior companionship. May the home they are creating today truly be a place of love and harmony, where Your Spirit is always present. Bless this marriage we pray and walk beside David and Terry throughout all of their lives together. We ask these things in Jesus name; Amen

"David, and Terry, in so much as the two of you have agreed to live together in Holy Matrimony, have promised your love for each other by these vows, the joining of your hands and the giving of these rings, I now declare you to be Husband and Wife.

"Whom God hath joined together, let no one put asunder.

"May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you. May the Lord lift up his countenance unto to you, and give you peace."

"Congratulations, you may kiss your bride.

"It is my privilege to present to you Mr. & Mr. David Michael Starsky."

David pulled her in for a quick kiss, "Hey there, Terry Starsky."

"Hey, yourself, David Starsky. I love the way that sounds, Terry Starsky, Terry Starsky."

Hutch stepped forward and said, "Let me be the first to congratulate you two. I hope you will be happy together." He kissed Terry on the cheek.

"Thanks, Hutch."

Hutch then turned to his best friend, "You had better treat this lady right, Starsk, or you will have to answer to me."

"Sure, Hutch," David answered.

Rev. Self informed David and Terry that it was now time to sign the lisence. They moved over to the couch and signed it. Hutch was one of their witnesses and Chris was the other one. Hutch yelled, "Time to party." All the children began to clap their hands.

David gave Terry a passionate kiss and led her over to the table. Part of Chris and Hutch's wedding present was a small cake that read, "Congrats David and Terry." David took the knife that was on the table and took Terry's right hand and together they made slice into the cake. Everyone cheered. David gave Terry a kiss as the flashbulbs went off.

"Well, come on and dig in." David invited everybody. The adults let the children go first. All of the adults helped the children get what they wanted. Many of the children had come without their parents and the invited adults realised the children's disabilities.

The weather had co-operated and it was such a lovely night, that many of the people went outside with their food and ate in the back yard.

After the newlyweds cut the cake, and everyone was settled, Hutch made a toast. "I have know Starsk for about seven years, and I have known Terry for about three. I would just like to say Terry and Starsk, May your love, laugh and wine be always plenty.Thus your happiness will never be less."

"Thanks, Hutch." David answered.

Because the children were present, it was decided that no wine would be served. Edith Dobey was famous for her excellent punch, so she had been elected to make some. Before they started to eat, Rev Self said a short prayer asking God to bless the food, the people who prepared it, all of the people gathered there and especially Terry and David as they began their new lives together.

The rest of the evening was spent with the children in mind. Because the house was not very large, and they did not rent a hall where people could have danced the night away, party games were organized. Someone had brought their copy of the game Twister and some of the guests started to play that. David went into a back closet and found several games that the children would not have any problem learning - Snakes and Ladders.

Some of the guests even took some of the children over to the school for a quick game of pick up basketball.

The party broke up about 10. The adults made sure the children got home safely.

Some of the parents picked up their children either at the school or at David's.

David and Terry spend their first night as man and wife at David's.

The next day, being Saturday, David and Terry spent the day with Hutch and Chris at the amusement park, playing mini-golf and riding the bumper cars, altho David and Terry passed on the bumper cars.

Terry died on Monday with David at her side, in the hospital.

There was a confrontation with George Prudhome after she died. David, instead of killing him in cold blood, because he had taken hostages in a food distribution place, and George wanted Starsky to kill him, let the courts deal with him.

Two weeks after Terry died, Hutch and David were together at David's house playing Monopoly. It was time to open the gifts that Terry had bought them. David's gift was a book "1000 ways to win at Monopoly" and Hutch's was her bear Ollie with the note not to let either David or Ollie change.

In the years to come, David did meet other women and eventually marry, but he would never forget Terry.


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