"Adolph" in City Hall

"Adolph" in City Hall...


Taking a page from the Third Reich, Mayor Giuliani, according to early press reports, has seen to it that P.O. JOSEPH LOCURTO of the 104 Pct. be formally charged with "knowingly associating with groups that advocate racial hatred" for his participation in the Broad Channel Labor Day Parade float incident.

Apparently, the "hate group" is the Broad Channel Volunteer Fire Department.

With this inovative and long-reaching charge against this officer, NO ONE within the NYPD or, for that matter, the FDNY, is safe from prosecution from the two weakest Department heads in at least 30 years--Howard Safir, and former U.F.A. President (believe it or not!) and present Fire Commissioner Thomas VonEssen. Both have sold their souls in order to become the head pawns for a politician whose ego and overwhelming desire for future political office have made him appear unable to control himself in the public domain by detractors and previous supporters (of which Prosay considers to be one), alike.

This "hate group" charge, as you might be aware, HAS NOT been charged against any NYPD member that ACTIVELY PARTICIPATED with KALID MUHAMMAD at the rally on Lenox Ave., where they provide security for Muhammad and gave out literature on how to avoid arrest when one has an outstanding warrant.

Giuliani is attempting to solidify his political standing with the black community for his future run for whatever office he seeks (we must remember that, although he cannot run again at the end of his present term, he is entitled to run for mayor again after four years!). But by this particular move, he has strained the relationship between black and white officers within the ranks. White officers from this day forward, under Giuliani/Safir, will feel that they can no longer be given the presumption of innocence in ANY confrontation with anyone from any minority, and the black officers will be perceived to be immune from any formal accountability for any of their actions, regardless of the seriousness.

Despite his own egotistical belief, the racial division of the NYPD will ultimately be Giuliani's legacy.

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