Neal, in all those questions I did not see one spelling error, one grammatical error, one incomplete sentence or abbreviation, or even a typo. In real life chat, even properly educated people make these errors. You are correct. Clearly this whole thing was staged." He's got a point, folks. How do you like being conned?
Questions That Clinton Answered on the Internet

(If you believe these questions were really posed by ordinary Americans, you must be a democrat, a fool, or an idiot. Please note the lack of spelling errors, incomplete sentences, abbreviations, or typos. If you have ever typed on a chat room, you know that people make these mistakes all the time.)

Q My wife and I are both disabled, with two teenaged children. Our medication expenses takes a very large amount of our monthly Social Security income. Will Medicare ever pay for medications?

Q What else can you do in your presidential term to help the common people to have health care reform before you leave office?

Q How do you feel about the need for less expensive higher education?

Q What kind of laws would you like to see Congress pass concerning gun control?

Q Where do you see the federal government's role heading in funding non-defense research in science and technology?

Q As government makes it services available via the Internet, how will this affect people who are not computer literate or connected? Will the non-techies be accommodated?

Q Mr. President, how are you going to decrease the class sizes with the vast shortage of teachers?

Q I would like to know what programs are going to be cut to provide for some of the much-needed tax relief, starting with the marriage penalty

 Q Mr. President, what would you recommend to high school students who want to get involved in the political process?

Q Mr. President, if you were an ordinary citizen, would you save a little food for Y2K?

Q Mr. President, how can citizens be assured that the Internet will not become another political ploy that is harmed rather than helped by politicians?

Q Mr. President, would you like to serve another term in office, like you can in the U.K. -- maybe you ought to talk to Tony Blair about that.

Q Will future administrations be able to continue the support for the AmeriCorps program?

Q I attend a public high school. Considering the events of the past few years, how can you ensure my safety at school?

Q Mr. President, what are your plans after you leave the White House, beside supporting the First Lady for a possible Senate run?

Q I commend you, Mr. President, for using the available new technology to stay in touch with the people. It gives anyone the chance to speak to the President, truly a shining example of freedom.

Q What do you think about the fact that in other countries, classrooms have many more children per teacher, yet they are ranked higher than the U.S. in education?

Q Do you believe in more open trade between our two countries (Canada and the United States) or are you and your party committed to protectionism more than open trade?

Q During the WTO summit in Seattle this month, will President Clinton propose to strengthen environmental safeguards?

Q What do you feel are the chances that there will be any real progress in the talks between the Palestinians and the Israelis before you leave office?

Q How does the President feel about supporting on-line education to serve the increasing number of students?

Q Can you explain to me why you feel the federal government needs to get involved in education and why this can't be left to state and local government?

Q Mr. President, what kind of legacy do you think the American people will remember about your administration?

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