Bumper Stickers

My Favorite


The Clintons - Redefining "Southern White Trash"
Slick Willie...maybe
Sick Willie...precisely
Two faces on Mount Rushmore....Bill Clinton.
Vince Foster - Lone example of Clinton White House integrity.
Impeach Hillary!
What he did to Flowers, he is doing to America.
We need character, not characters in the White House.
Honk if you want an adult in the White House.
The administration with convictions, and more coming!
It's maturity stupid!
At least Nixon knew when to resign.
Clinton:  It takes a village idiot!
What are Clinton's favorite shoes?  Flip-Flops!
Roses are red.  Violets are blue. Let's unseat the President and her husband too.
Clinton and the truth:  Don't ask, Won't tell.
 Honk if you had sex with the President.
Flush the White House.
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