Quotable Quotes 

"I want to say one thing to the American people.  I want you to listen to me.  I'm going to say this again.  I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.  I never told anyone to lie, not a single time, never.  These allegations are false".

"When you get asked hundreds of questions, it's not possible to remember the answer to every one."

" I am committed to curbing the influence of money in our political system."
"I am willing to pledge right now that I have no intention of raising taxes. I know of no reason why we would have a tax increase."
Time to go.
Vice President Al Gore
"The President has denied the charges and I believe it."
We must get rid of this idiot.
Madeleine Albright
"I believe the allegations are competely untrue."
This old bag must go too.
Paul Begala
"I've been through a lot with this guy.  I've worked for him off and on for six years.  I believe him completely and I know he's telling the truth.  There is an investigation.  It will clear the President."
Just laugh at this fool.
"The President will answer the questions, and they will evaporate just like everything else."
"He was saying yes and saying no at the same time. He was stealing the center - creating the center."
"Words are actions."
"He kept the promises he meant to keep."
"Americans know that, in a election year, when someone promises something, they are likely to get nothing."
"The community policing, as part of the 100,000 new cops, is something Clinton fought and bled for."
"He's never had any improper relationship with this woman."
Ted Turner
"In a small way, not only with CNN, but with the Goodwill Games, we helped bring the Cold War to a successful conclusion."
"CNN's giving everyone, or just about everyone in the world, an opportunity to be heard has taken a lot of pressure away from wars and conflicts around the world." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gary Aldrich in his interview to Rush Limbaugh "Maybe I viewed the Clintons and some of their staff as people that I would normally be handcuffing."
Most laughable quote :
Mark Shields talking about Joe Klein (author of Primary Colors).
"He has discredited his profession "
yes, the world's oldest profession
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