NEWS FLASH. Gore claims he discovered Iowa!

In a July 1999 poll, Americans were asked
"Where does the government get its money".
Here are the amazing results.

It has its own source - 50%
From taxpayers - 39%

Is there any longer any question as to why we have Clinton as President? The democrats may have it right, folks. It appears that the American public has become so stupid that they need the government to get them through their daily lives. Factor in the 40% that pay no income taxes and we now see why people do not care about tax cuts. And all these people are allowed to vote! In case you also do not know the correct answer to the poll, the government gets its money from taxpayers.......

Rosie O'Donnell

Presidential Kneepad Award
(for the best journalistic Lewinsky)

"Mr. President, we love you. I want to hug you, I want to hug you, please do the right thing. This is nothing, this is nothing. Thomas Jefferson did not have this in mind, I swear to God....I would give Ken Starr the Nobel Peace Prize were he to be man enough not to refer a sex lie to the House for impeachment.Geraldo Rivera urging Clinton not to cooperate, August 6, 1998 edition of Rivera Live on CNBC.

"If we could be one-hundredth as great as you and Hillary Rodham Clinton have been in the White House, we'd take it right now and walk away winners...Thank you very much and tell Mrs. Clinton we respect her and we're pulling for her." -- Dan Rather at a May 27, 1993 CBS affiliates meeting talking via satellite to President Clinton about his new on-air partnership with Connie Chung as co- anchor of the CBS Evening News.

"I would be happy to give Bill Clinton [oral sex] just to thank him for keeping abortion legal. I think American women should be lining up with their presidential kneepads on to show their gratitude for keeping the theocracy off our backs." -- Time contributor and former reporter Nina Burleigh recalling what she told the Washington Post's Howard Kurtz about her feeling toward Bill Clinton, as recounted by Burleigh in the July 20, 1998 New York Observer.

And the winner is....the woman who inspired the award title, Nina Burleigh. Accepting for Burleigh, a proud member of the VRWC: Wall Street Journal editorial writer John Fund.

Why Liberals Love McCain

You see all the liberal talking heads saying wonderful things about McCain while constantly bad-mouthing Bush. Why, do you ask? The answer is obvious and simple. They want to drive voters away from Bush to McCain. They know that Bush would stompt both Gore's or Bradley's sorry butts in the ground. With McCain, they have a chance.

W for President!

McCain - strange that he sponsered campaign finance reform that excluded union money. Something is not right here. Liberals like him too much. We are being set up and McCain could very well cause Gore to be President.


Hillary needs the Jewish vote in New York so she becomes a Jew. She also needs the lesbian vote. How far will she go?

With Algore as Vice-president, a village somewhere is missing it's idiot.

The Clintons, who claim to love all races and minorities, bought a house in a community that is 99% white. Does that really surprise anyone?.

Liar-in-Chief's Explanation

"I made a personal mistake, and they spent $50 million trying to ferret it out and root it out, because they had nothing else to do, because all the other charges were totally false -- bogus, made up, and people were persecuted because they wouldn't commit perjury against me. I was right to stand and fight for my country and my Constitution and its principles".

Just for the record, it was a federal judge who described Clinton's testimony under oath as "false, misleading and evasive answers that were designed to obstruct the judicial process." The result was that he is the first President to be fined for contempt of court.

Please e-mail me when Gore claims he invented fire.

Only One Good Thing About Abortion

Just look at the people that are getting them. Do we really want these people to reproduce?

Our nuclear secrets have been stolen, mainly during the Clinton administration. At the same time, Clinton allowed rocket and computer technology to be sold to our enemies. Yet, Clinton and his cabinet boobs told us not to worry. They said that it did not happen on their watch. Clinton said he was not told. We NOW know he was lying. Another lie from the most corrupt administration in our nation's history. And more coverups from Democrats. We are no longer safe from nuclear disaster and democrats are 'spinning' it like it is meaningless. I only have two questions. Was it incompetence or treason? And who are the Democrats now representing in Congress?

Update - July 99 - China conducted a successful test of a new ground-to-ground missile. Beijing claims that the missile is capable of delivering a 700-kilogram nuclear the west coast of the United States. Specifically, Seattle.

Use this link to easily find the email addresses of all the members of Congress. Email Republicans and tell them to get off their asses and speak out about the China Scandal. Email Democrats and tell them that we are tired of their lies and their covering up for Clinton. Also, ask them to put the country ahead of their party for once.Contact Congress

Only Two Presidents Impeached
William Jefferson Clinton - A Democrat from Arkansas
Andrew Johnson - A Democrat from Tennessee

Only President Censured
Andrew Jackson - A Democrat from Tennessee

Have we learned?
Albert Gore - A Democrat from Tennessee

May They Go Down in History
So much for the sanctimonious Democratic Senators (44) who believe a Felon in the White House is just fine, as long as he is a Democrat. These windbags took an oath to hear all the evidence with an open mind. Then, they voted to dismiss the charges and said they would not convict, no matter what the evidence was. Once again, we have proof that any oath taken by any Democrat is worthless.

It's now official. The Party of Perjury.
45 Democratic Senators goose stepped into history on February 12, 1999 as they betrayed our country for their Party. So much for the likes of Senator Byrd who spoke so elegantly about history, ethics, and integrity, then dishonored themselves on this day.

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