Why Kassim Ahmad hates Anwar? 

In a letter to the New Straits Times (Friday Sept.18,98) Kassim Ahmad poured out his complaints about Anwar for not helping him to spread his "Renaissance of Islam". Alhamdulillah, it goes to Anwar's credit that he did not go along with such confused people or diluted his Islam to get support. Thank you Kassim for clearing his name at this juncture. We are reproducing your letter in full so that every Muslim will know Anwar had nothing to do with the so called Anti Hadith Group. In fact Anwar was instrumental in stopping Kassim's mischief inspite of the fact that Anwar's boss, the PM, is an ally of Kassim in encouraging Kassim's "renaissance" of Islam. This revelation will surely expose a lot of things, hitherto unknown to the Muslims of this country. Alhamdulillah, we can see the hand of Allah in everything that is happening. The conspiracy is not only to topple Anwar, but also is a deeper one to distort Islam. Any Royal Commission of Enquiry on this issue should also include in its terms of reference any conspiracy against Islam in this country by any one and whether such people enjoyed any support from the the prime minister. 

If this is the "real" Anwar, then every Muslim in Malaysia must be proud of him. [Editor] 


My experiences with the "real" Anwar Ibrahim by Kassim Ahmad

I read with great interest your eloquent piece expressing your sense of being fooled (other thots, Sept. 13) and the almost lyrical piece by Rose Ismail expressing her sadness and sense of being let down (NST Sept.12) by the recent "shocking" events involving former Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. 

I wish to share with your readers my experiences with Anwar. 

Along with many others, I welcomed Anwar's emergence and rise in Umno for his commitment to Islamic renaissance in Malaysia. 

But I was soon to be disabused. I shall briefly enumerate the steps which led me to lose faith in him altogether as early as August 1995. 

(a) When my controversial book, Hadis- Satu Penilaian Semula, was published in May 1986, Abim, Anwar's springboard organisation, became instrumental in its banning by the government. 

(b) After the Anglo-American led Gulf War against Iraq, Anwar made statement calling for the toppling of President Saddam Hussein of Iraq - an Anglo- American imperialist agenda. 

(c) In June 1993 Anwar blocked my proposal to (now Special Functions Minister) Tun Daim Zainuddin to form an institute for the reformation of the Muslim Ummah, using the Prime Minister Dato Seri Dr. Mahathir Muhammad's name. 

(d) On August 20, 1995, Anwar blocked a dialogue between Jemaah Al-Qur'an Malaysia (an organisation i formed for the regeneration of the Muslim Ummah) and Pusat Islam, again using the Prime Minister's name (in fact, the Government's name). 

On that very day, I sent a letter to him criticising him for it and warning him not to betray his own principles. 


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