Media Statement

Home Affairs Minister, IGP should resign if Anwar was beaten up

Aliran is outraged and revolted to hear Anwar testifying that he was beaten and punched until he bled and fainted while in police custody. We strongly condemn such blatant and barbaric abuse of power and brutality inflicted on helpless detainees.

Anwar reportedly had a swollen eye and bruises on his right arm when he was produced in court this morning, nine days after being arrested under the infamous Internal Security Act. Anwar, who appeared to have lost weight, said he was beaten hard on the night he was arrested

"I was blindfolded and handcuffed. The moment I arrived at the lock-up, they took off the blinds and the cuffs but a few minutes later, they put it  on again," AFP quoted him as telling the court.

"I was boxed very hard on my lower jaw and left eye. I was also boxed on the right of my head and they hit me on the left side of my neck very hard," he said.

"I was then slapped very hard left and right until blood came out from my nose and my lips cracked. Because of this, I could not see and walk properly."

In our media statement on 26 September, we expressed concern about the personal well-being of Anwar and the others detained without trial. Our worst fears seem to have been confirmed. The Internal Security Act is a cruel and unjust law that should have no place in the statute books of any civilised society. It subjects detainees to long, harsh interrogation under extreme duress.

Like Anwar, a number of previous detainees have alleged that they were assaulted while in custody. We are shocked that such conduct can be tolerated in a purportedly caring society. If the former deputy prime minister could be treated in this way, what rights do ordinary citizens have?

The ISA should be abolished immediately to redeem our dignity and self-respect as a nation. We should follow the example of South Africa, which   abrogated a similar evil and vicious law following the end of apartheid. Aliran also demands the release of all those detained without trial.

We call on the court to appoint an independent doctor to conduct a thorough investigation on Anwar and to determine how his injuries were sustained. If it is proven that there was indeed ill-treatment as Anwar alleges, then those suspected of inflicting Anwar’s injuries should be immediately charged in court for criminal assault.

The Home Affairs Minister and the Inspector-General of Police should also accept full responsibility and resign immediately. That would be the only honourable thing to do in these tragic circumstances.

Now that Anwar has been charged in court, he should be released on bail so that he can have full access to his lawyers to adequately prepare his defence. Any continued detention would be a travesty of justice.

Aliran Executive Committee
29 September 1998


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