The Reformasi movement and Bumiputra rights

moondoggie wrote:

> Sabri could you let us have your comments on the last paragraph of this
> forwarded letter regarding the authors questions towards Gerak which I
> feel is of public interest?
> Thanks

>    For the GERAK and Reformasi movements leaders I also like to hear what
> you people have to say.You fight for justice for all.Will there always be
> people who are more equal than others should you succeed? Will you do away
> with the special  rights for the Bumiputras which have been abused so much
> to create so many millionaires among the elite Malays?If you claim to want
> to do away with these,will PAS go along?

Firstly, let me state that I am neither a GERAK nor a Reformasi
'leader', so I am not sure if this question should really be directed to
me. I will, though, offer my personal views.

What is the Reformasi movement?

Neither the Reformasi 'movement' nor the GERAK coalition are political
parties. The Reformasi 'movement' is no more a political party than,
say, the Merdeka movement of the 1940s and 50s, or the Democracy
movement in many of today's repressed countries, such as Burma. The
Merdeka movement in our country consisted of different political
organisations - ranging from the Alliance parties to PAS, PAP, Workers
Party, Socialists and trade unions. While each had differring
ideologies, philosophies and programmes, they all had common goals and
one common vision - an independent Malaysia free of British rule.

Today's Reformasi movement also consists of individuals from different
political organisations with differring ideologies, philosophies and
programmes - some individuals may even say they have no political
affiliations. But all supporters of the Reformasi 'movement' have a
common vision - a truly democractic Malaysia with an independent
judiciary, freedom of speech, expresssion and assembly, a free media,
strong democratic institutions and a country free of unjust, oppressive
laws such as the ISA.

What are the aims of the Reformasi movement?

The clarion call that started this Reformasi movement was Anwar
Ibrahim's Permatang Pauh Declaration:

"We the citizens of Malaysia of all cultural and religious backgrounds
are determined to launch a movement for
comprehensive reform:

"A reform movement shining with a light radiating from aspiring and pure
hearts; from the awareness that man is truly noble and free, with rights
and responsibilities, that it is a sacrilege to abuse and denigrate any
man or woman, to bind and restrict any man or woman without following
the due process of just laws;

"A reform movement to establish justice for all, the weak and strong,
the rich and poor, to preserve the institutions and processes of law
from the defilement of graft and abuse of power;

" A reform movement to sanctify the power of the people through
democratic means, for democracy is an imperative: man’s capacity for
justice makes democracy possible, but man's inclination to injustice
makes democracy necessary;

"A reform movement that champions economic justice, one that advocates
fairness in economic growth and distribution so that the rich do not get
richer at the expense of the poor, for the world has enough for
everyone, but too little to satisfy everyone’s greed;

"A reform movement to eradicate graft and abuse of power, to strip the
opulent and greedy clique of their power to manipulate the market;

"A reform movement to reinforce a dynamic cultural identity, where faith
in our noble cultural traditions is intact, but there is openness to all
that is good in all traditions;

"A reform movement to launch the Malaysian nation into the information
age and the borderless world, encouraging wisdom, self-assurance and
openness towards a global friendship based on the principles of truth
and justice.

"We launch this reform movement as a peaceful movement, in accordance
with the spirit of the Constitution and in observance of the principles
of the rule of law."

In answer to your specific question on Bumpiutra rights, you will note
the clause " a reform movement that champions economic justice, one that
advocates fairness in economic growth and distribution so that the rich
do not get richer at the expense of the poor, for the world has enough
for everyone, but too little to satisfy everyone’s greed..." So, with
regard to Bumiputra rights, Reformasi espouses being "fair" and "just" -
not "equal".

What is GERAK?

Majlis Gerakan Keadilan Rakyat Malaysia, GERAK, specifically was set up
with specific objectives:

* To harness all of the people’s energy towards upholding justice and
opposing tyranny

* To ensure that the institutions of those in power, especially the
courts, the media and the police, are not manipulated to pressure and
frighten the people and to spread slander

* To harness the potential of the people to restore basic justice

In order to achieve the above objectives:

a. GERAK demands that the government, especially its legal instruments,
not to be misused merely to condone all actions upon those who are not
in agreement with those in power

b. GERAK also regrets the elements and symptoms of slander that is
rampant in the current political chess game  , to the point where the
dignity of religion and moral ethics of the Malaysian people has been

c. GERAK demands that those who have been detained under the Internal
Security Act (ISA) are either unconditionally released or brought before
open court

d. GERAK emphasises and urges in the strongest possible way that ISA be
repealed as the Act is now being widely used to oppress the right of the
people to justice

e. GERAK urges the authorities to ensure that all ISA detainees are not
mistreated with the use of any methods that involve physical torture,
psychological stress or chemical substances that would force detainees
to make confessions under duress or unconsciously

f. GERAK demands that the government immediately halts operations to
detain individual citizens under the ISA

g. GERAK urges that the judiciary and the media is guaranteed their
freedom to ensure they are not manipulated by any parties that would
violate the implementation of the principles of  law and justice for all

h. GERAK urges the Police to execute their duties professionally,
ethically and fairly, and not to be influenced by any parties in the
execution of their duties.

With regard to your specific question on Bumiputra rights, GERAK
consists of different political parties - DAP, PAS, PRM among them -
each with their own specific positions on Bumiputra rights. Choose
whichever suits your personal beliefs.

My personal position on Bumiputra rights is very much in line with PRM's
- not to immediately do away with Bumiputra rights, but ensure that
Bumiputra privileges are used only for the benefit of the poor, working
and middle classes and not just a handful of wealthy and politically
influential individuals.

 @  @

Sabri Zain

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