Quiet not Quite Out

Dear friends,

Though there may seems that some have been quiet lately by not posting
a lot of opinions, that does not mean that the movement is slowly
dying. Three reasons that I can think of immediately:
1. The quality of posting have deteriorated since the pro mahathir
subscribers joining the forum hence the forum is now turn to be more of
a throwing punches at each other rather than discussing the reformasi
agenda and strategy. I personally do not understand the purpose since
none of them are able to convince each other to switch side but in turn
become cyber enemy which is a lose to both sides.
2. Most of the postings now contains too much 'ceca cela' and 'fitnah
memfitnah' that's not worth a descent reply or comment.
3. People get fed up by all the above.

Though I agree on freedom of speech, I still believe that freedom of
speech do have some limit and rules to be adhered to so I sincerely
hope the group moderator (if there is one) to at least make some
minimal screening so the forum become more effective.
One clear lesson that I learn is that, without screening or control,
there will be chaos, too much screening (like our daily papers), they
will become boring.
I do not understand the objective of the majority of pro mahathir or
anti reformasi subscribers here since most of them are just for the fun
of creating argument or disagreement (I do respect a few anti reformasi
that presented good posting and argue sensibly). If the objective is to
counter every posting so that they will not support reformasi, then
your objective have failed and it has backfired on you since the more
you provoke, the more people will be angry and the more determined they
are about their movement
If your objective is for fun then go to the archade game section since
this ain't a place for fun friend. Sendiri suka gaduh cakap orang suka
My personal advise, if you want to support mahathir, please... by all
mean support him but why fight the reformist since they are against
mahathir not you.

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