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Topic: Deputy Prime Minister warns corruption can collapse country

Topic Posted by: MGG Pillai ([email protected] )
Organization: Journalist
Date Posted: Sat Nov 9 20:15:53 1996

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Original Message:

Posted by:MGG Pillai ([email protected] )
Date posted: Sun Jan 19 14:47:52 1997
Subject: Minister denies involvement in Telekom-Ericsson deal
The prime minister, Dato' Seri Mahathir Mohamed, promised in San Francisco yesterday he would investigate allegations of impropriety in Telekom Malaysia Berhad awarding a contract to the Swedish telecommunications giant, Ericsson. A minister was mentioned in Dato' Seri Anwar's press conference reply to a question on this allegation. The minister for telecommunications and works in 1992, when the tender was awarded, was Dato' Seri S. Samy Vellu.

Yesterday, Dato' Seri Samy Vellu denied any involvement in the tender process, and said it was the finance ministry which accepted or rejected TMB's choice of who should get the contract. The 1992 contract, in which aspersions are now cast, was worth RM414 million for Perwire Ericsson (the local partner in this joint venture is the Armed Forces Fund) to supply digital exchances with a capacity for 800,000 lines.

The minister says that he has no power in his present Works ministry to decide, or be involved in any manner, until contracts are approved. Then why did this hands-off cabinet minister go, begging bowl in hand, to Singapore, during an investment seminar, and to New Delhi to ensure that Renong Berhad got road-building contracts in India?


Subject: DPM orders immediate investigation into the Telekom-Ericsson contract
Reply Posted by: MGG Pillai ([email protected] )
Organization: Journalist
Date Posted: Sun Jan 19 15:14:16 1997
The deputy prime minister, Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim, reacting to his cabinet colleague, Dato' Seri S. Samy Vellu's denial, yesterday ordered an "urgent" investigations into alleged impropriety in Telekom Malaysia Berhad awarding a contract to the Swedish multinational, Ericsson. On Friday, Dato' Seri Samy Vellu told reporters that, as the telecommunications and posts minister when the contract was awarded in 1992-1993, was not involved in the alleged discrepancies surrounding the award, indirectly implying that if there was any ministerial interference, it must have been in the ministry of finance.

In contracts like these, the relevant minister must give his approval before the finance minister would give its final approval. Dato' Seri Samy Vellu insisted that ministers had no say in any tender involving privatised entities of their respective ministries, irregardless of the value of the contract. Dato' Seri Anwar disagreed. "Yes and no. We have to investigate. Dato' Samy (Vellu) was too quick to make a decision."

Dato' Seri Anwar would not comment if a cabinet minister is involved in these allegations of impropriety. But Dato' Seri Samy Vellu's shooting from the hip on his return from London confirmed that. The current investigations indeed has to do with him, even if Dato' Seri Anwar said there were only references to wrongdoing by a cabinet minister or senior Telekom officials.

But why was there the need for Dato' Seri Samy Vellu to comment on it on his arrival? No one accused him of it. I did say he was the minister at the relevant time. But who am I? It is pretty well known that relations between him and the deputy prime minister are not what it should be. This current episode can only make it worse. 

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