WVSCMUN Constitution


We, the students of West Virginia State College in order to extend our educational benefits hereby organize ourselves in a way that will be (1) recognized by the College, and (2)enabled to participate in Collegiate Model United Nations Conferences.

Article 1

The name of this student organization shall be the West Virgina State College Model United Nations, or WVSCMUN.

Article 2

In order to learn parliamentary procedure, enhance negotiation and debating skills, and learn about international relations and diplomacy, in addition to expanding our knowledge of specific global issues, we will simulate international organizations, such as: the United Nations, the European Union, the League of Arab States, the Organization of African Unity, the Organization of American States, etc., through MUN conferences sponsored by other colleges, universities, and/or organizations. We may also try to expand public awareness of the importance of the United Nations by holding our own conference and/or participating in Multi-Cultural & International Fairs.

Article 3

Membership guidelines are the equivalent of what the SGA has determined for a class A non-intake organization; we are a status I. Academic Organization.

Article 4

The Secretary-General will be the head officer equal to and also known as the President. Duties include: overseeing meetings, preparing an agenda, and in general representing the club along with the sponsor when dealing with the SGA and other organizations. The Under Secretary-General will be equal to and also known as the Vice President, and will assist the S-G in all areas and will be in charge of the club as the head officer when the S-G is unavailable. The Secretary-Treasurer will be an official who will take attendance and notes at the meetings. The tresurer function will be to keep track of expenditures and available funds.

Article 5

Elections will be held at the beginning of each semester, usually between the 2nd and 4th weeks of school. It will be up to the current sponsor and current officers as to details of the elections.

Article 6

Impeachment of officers will only be for the following offences: (1) missing more than 50% of the meetings in a month, except under extreme circumstances when the non-attending officer will select another member to act as his or her proxy, not exceeding a period of more than 3 weeks; (2) not attending a conference that an officer has signed up to attend. Such an officer may change his or her mind prior to the conference but will have to find a replacement. (3) repeatedly offending other members and other belligerent acts. When any of the above offenses take place, or other similar circumstances a meeting will be held ASAP to discuss the matter. A vote will then be taken and will require 2/3 in favor of removal. Those voting will be all active members (those members that have attended at least 3 of the last 4 meetings). All members, officers, and sponsor shall have one vote. Active members not attending the meeting will be contacted for their vote by an officer not under dispute.

Article 7

This constitution may only be amended during the Fall & Spring Semesters. All proposals for amendments must be approved by 50% of the current officers before they can be presented to the WVSCMUN. Once a proposal has been approved by 50% of the officers, a meeting will be held to discuss and vote on the amendment. A 2/3 majority vote in favor of the amendment is needed for it to become effective.

This constitution was ratified on 22 Sept. 1998 by Dr. Beller, Dr. Maude Brunstetter, Dr. Lipping Bu, Dr. Martin Japtok, Susan Scott, Mayako Ushida, Kimberly Mosley, Marty Henson, Patricia Pauley, Brad Wilson, Mike Martin, Bonnie Russell, and Alex Beltrao.

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