What is a vegetarian

Last Updated:09/08/98

So what is a vegatarian?

A vegetarian is a person who do not eat meat, fish, or anything else that can feel pain

I didn't know that animals can feel pain!

Well, i have news for you.animals have a nerves system too.they can feel pain, they think and they have a brain like us, and as humans they want to be alive.however, we take from them this natural, basic right!

You don't get it, it's the circle of life.we have to eat them

That's the most baseless exuse of meat eaters.in the nature, the circle of life is needed in order to keep on stable populations

However, the human race have disconnected himself from the circle of life.the animals are not killed in order to keep on their population size, but they are actually being grown by human so he can kill them

This state of causing useless pain to animals cannot continue.the human race must be a vegetarian

But we are smarter then them, we should save only animals with high IQ, like dogs and cats

Does being smarter from someone gives you a moral right to kill him without any real reason?should we kill retarded people as well?

I've seen those pictures, they are fake!people will never behave that way!

I'm not so sure.McDolands, BorgerKing and friends are all _capitalists_, and as such they see no other aim of their life other than making profit.

They really don't care if people will die from it, or animals will suffer, as long as the money goes to their bank account, it's ok for them.

what about vegtables?they don't feel pain?

Do they have a nerves system?no.

Leave me alone, i want to enjoy life!

If you me to leave you alone it means that you want to ignore the truth, you want to ignore the fact that by eating meat you cause pain, and that you can prevent it

Can I eat fish and be called a vegetarian?

Fish have nerves, and they can feel pain just like every animal, so if you eat them you are not a vegetarian

However, there are vegetarians that do eat fish, and i was among with them, and the reason for that is they are not aware ,or don't want to aware to the fact that fish can feel too

However, a vegetarian eating fish is better than a meat eater, because in most cases they will stop eating fish some day:-)

Since i've became a vegetarian i have health problems

You probably need a special diet because of a lack of some vitamins or minerals or proteins.ask your doctor:-)

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