The page of Android

Last Updated:28/07/98

What is Android?

Android is a digital knowledge base that can gather more information from the user and answer his questions

Android 0.2.-2(i know it's a strange versionname!)was released, along with gtui DR1, but it doesn't compile on dos because of a bug in fpc

Android 0.2.-2 contains major changes in the core but not in the user interface, and the core is much smarter, but contains more bugs as well, and if you use dos you must use 0.1.5 or 0.1.4 for a while

Also please note that the dos version of 0.1.5 doesn't use ninput because of some problems with the crt unit, and since there aren't really new feautres in 0.1.5, stick with 0.1.4, not to mention the fact that the file structure is different

Where can i download it?

Download GTUI DR1(14.6kb)

Download Android 0.2.-2(64kb),Linux only

Download Android 0.1.5(88.8Kb)

Download Android 0.1.4(51.5Kb),Dos only

It doesn't work for me!

Read the readme.txt file, it contains some very important notes

What are the plans for android?

Read readme.txt

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