time - time command execution

SYNOPSIS time [-l] command

DESCRIPTION The time utility executes and times command by initiating a timer and passing the command to the shell. After the command finishes, time writes to the standard error stream, (in seconds): the total time elapsed, time consumed by system overhead, and the time used to execute the command process.

Available options:

-l The contents of the rusage structure are printed as well.

The csh(1) has its own and syntactically different builtin version of time. The command described here is available as /usr/bin/time to csh users.

BUGS The granularity of seconds on micro processors is crude and can result in times being reported for CPU usage which are too large by a second.

SEE ALSO csh(1), getrusage(2)

HISTORY A time command appeared in Version 6 AT&T UNIX.

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