" So it is Conservatism that throughout history, has regarded man neither as a potential pawn of other men, nor as a part of a general collectivity in which the sacredness and the seperate identity of individual human beings are ignored. Throughout history, true Conservatism has been at war equally with autocrats and with "democratic" Jacobins. The true Conservative was symphathetic with the plight of the hapless peasant under the French monarchy. And he was equally revolted at the attempt to solve that problem by a mob tyranny that paraded under the banner of eglitarianism. The conscience of the Conservative is pricked by anyone who would debase the dignity of the human individual being. Today, therfore, he is at odds with dictators who rule by terror and equally with those gentler collectivists who ask our permission to play God with the human race. With this view of the nature of man, it is understandable that the Conservative looks upon politics ...(to achieve) maximum freedom for individuals that is consistent with the maintenance of the social order. The conservative is the first to understand that the practice of freedom requires the establishment of order: it is impossible for one man to be free if another is able to deny him the excercise of his freedom. But the Conservative also recognizes that the political power on which order is based is a self-aggrandizing force; that its' appetite grows with eating. He knows that the ultimate vigilance and care are required to keep political power within its' proper bounds."

Barry Goldwater

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