Download this article, make flyers out of it, and pass it out at the Post Office on April 15, as people drive by dropping off their tax returns! (You can add info on how people may contact your group.)

The Government is Lying!

. . . Polls say that 2/3 of the people are happy with the way things are going in the country. Unemployment is low, the stock market is high; everything seems to be just fine. Is it?

. . . Bankruptcies are also at an all time high of 1.4 million a year. Look at the car sales they're now having: "Please buy these repossessed cars! Just take over payments! Please!"
. . . Unemployment is low, but UNDERemployment is high! Millions of people have been "downsized" out of high paying jobs, and are now struggling to survive by working two or more lower paying jobs. The government tells us that NAFTA has greatly boosted our exports, but they're counting as "exports" the factories that have relocated to Mexico!

. . . They tell us that the world is in a new age of peace and prosperity, even now, after the economies of Russia and southeast Asia have already collapsed. (That's why gasoline prices have been low.)

. . . They tell us that the Russian threat no longer exists, that Russia is an economic basket case that can barely feed its people, therefore we can cut our defense and save the money. We've already cut our defense by two thirds since 1988! Meanwhile, Russia never slowed down building new missiles and submarines!
. . . Now Russia is telling us that their computers are not Y2K compliant, and that their missiles might "accidently" launch if we don't give them 3 billion dollars!
. . . Russia is now stocking up its bomb shelters, stockpiling fuel, and structuring its forces into an attack posture. Russia, China, and India just announced that they are now allies. China now has 90 million more men than women, thanks to its one child limit, enforced by mandatory abortion. They will soon want to go to war, wanting to kill their own men just to bring their population into balance!

. . . Our government tells us that China is our friend. China gave millions of dollars to the Democrats' campaign fund, so I guess they are THEIR friend! In return, China got:
- missile guidance systems (Now they can nuke us accurately!)
- secure communication systems (nuclear hardened, full encryption)
- the Panama Canal (A company headed by Chinese generals was given the contract to operate the harbor at each end, and pilot the ships through the canal.)
- boatloads of other military technology

. . . In the 1940s, the Communists said, "One day we will make unheard of concessions. We will lull the West into a false sense of security. When they have disarmed, we will crush them with our clenched fist."
. . . We have now disarmed ourselves, and armed them!

. . . "Character doesn't matter," they tell us. "It's ok if the President is a liar!" We just read about what he did to national security! This man (and the senators who voted for him) will lie about anything! Their lies will cost you your life!

. . . Of course, there are the classic lies about "overpopulation." If the world is overpopulated, why does our government still pay farmers to not grow food?
. . . They're using food as a weapon! They have eliminated the food reserves so that when people begin to stock up for possible Y2K problems, the government can blame the shortages on "domestic terrorists!"

. . . "Domestic terrorists" is another Big Lie. Everybody in Oklahoma City clearly heard TWO explosions at the Murrah building! The fact is, the building was brought down by the bombs BATF planted INSIDE the building!
. . . FBI Director Louis Freeh told Congress in February 1999 that "Christian Identity believers are a menace to society." Christian Identity belief is that God's promises are for Christians. Why is the FBI labeling certain people "terrorists" solely for their religious belief?
. . . The real terrorist is the government itself! For a year now, the FBI has been abusing the people of western North Carolina, supposedly to catch a single bombing suspect, who no doubt left the area a long time ago! If Eric Rudolph is the reason for the FBI being there, why did the FBI begin its operation there months BEFORE the bombing of which he is suspected?

. . . The latest lie is that "the Y2K computer bug is not serious; whatever problems it brings, we'll take good care of you." Business Week magazine estimates the worldwide cost of just fixing the computers at ONE TRILLION dollars. That's just the cost to fix the computers! That doesn't include lost production and disruption to society due to systems being down!
. . . Computers operate many of the basic supply systems on which we depend. Power generation and distribution, communications, building heating, ventilation, sprinkler systems, etc., inventory management at stores (I've been in stores and banks when they had to close because their computer went down. Next time, it may be quite a while before they can open again.) gasoline pumps, and many other things depend on computers.
. . . While they say there's nothing to worry about, the government is making plans to impose martial law, "if necessary." Systems could be deliberately shut down to serve as an excuse for a power mad President to fulfil his lust for power.

. . . Look at what he's already done! He ruled Arkansas as governor longer than its constitution allows! He used the entire apparatus of the White House, and the TV networks, to slander any of his sexual assault victims who had the gall to ask for justice! He gave much of our best military technology to China! He had his people arrange "accidental" deaths of Ron Brown, Vince Foster, and over 100 other people from his past who "knew too much."
. . . Vince Foster, we're told, walked 100 yards through the mud without getting his shoes dirty, shot himself in the back of the head with a gun of a type available only to the CIA, fell down, and the blood dripped out of the wound UP to the top of his head! Yeah, right!
. . . Admiral Boorda, we're told, killed himself by shooting himself in the chest with two different calibers of handgun! That was just after Clinton ordered the Navy to sell off its fuel reserve. The Navy objected to the order until Admiral Boorda died.

. . . The best way to predict what someone will do is to look at what he has already done. And even if they replace him, the same political machine that put him in power is still in operation!

. . . So what should you do? Make copies of this flyer and spread them around! Get with a friend and look on the internet for good sources of information. Some good places to start are and

. . . Stock up now, well ahead of time (while the market still has time to respond), on things you will need. Food, water (pop bottles work great), fuel, medicines, etc. If you have family who lives well away from any city, you might consider putting your supplies there, and joining them.

. . . Most of all, stock up on truth! Three times in the last two chapters of the Bible, God says that liars will have no place in his kingdom. (Revelation 21:8, 21:27, and 22:15) The third time, he applies it to all who make a lie, and all who love a lie.
. . . What you believe governs what you do. You organize your life to fit your view of the world. If you view God as being god, you take responsibility to provide for yourself and your family, using the resources God has provided. If you view government as being god (the view government tries to enforce) you ask the government to take care of you. In return, the government makes you its slave.
. . . All this is laid out in 1 Samuel chapter 8. The people demanded a government to take care of them. God plainly said that by doing so, they rejected him as their king!

. . . There's a lot more to being right with God than, "Just pray this little prayer." You must live your life according to the instructions God has given! And his way is best! You work, you get the reward. The world system makes you work, and it keeps most of the reward!
. . . So live according to the truth. It will quite literally make you free! Be loyal to God (and to yourself) by learning the truth of what the world system really is. Learn about justice well enough to know what things you must be for and be against to make sure you're on God's side. Be faithful with everything God has given you. Make the most of every opportunity to promote his ways, to persuade people to actually live by them!

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