Many churches have been speaking out on certain political issues, like abortion, school prayer, free speech, and a few others. But those are not the only issues God cares about. The Word of God has a lot to say about economics and finance, charity and welfare, justice and law enforcement, and international relations.

Many churches preach only about personal issues. The Bible, however, devotes over 80% of its space to affairs of state! Do you really think God is pleased with the lopsided emphasis most churches have given to his word?

God sent prophets to the nations as well as to individuals. To ignore God's messages to the nations is to neglect God's work! There are sins that individuals commit, and sins that nations commit. To take part in a national sin (Exodus 23:2 "you shall not follow a multitude in doing evil") or to remain silent, and not warn the nation (Ezekiel 33) is a personal sin for any individual. Being quiet about government policy is a sin against God!

The nations belong to God. (Acts 17:26 "He made from one (Adam) every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times, and the boundaries of their habitation.") God raises up and throws down nations according to his purposes. The Lord God Almighty has raised up the United States of America to be a witness to the world that he exists, and that he is a righteous God. Our founding fathers searched the scriptures diligently for God's commands on how a country is to be run. As George Washington said, "It is impossible to govern rightly without God and the Bible."

Exodus 34:12 is where Washington found the wisdom of his (and what should be our) foreign policy of, "Honest friendship with all, entangling alliances with none." Any subjection of any part of the sovereignty of the fifty states to the UN, or any other foreign power, is absolutely unacceptable! It is treason against God Almighty to tolerate handing over this country built on his eternal law to anyone else!

Stewards of God's law

God has given us this country; we are accountable to him for it. Like the stewards in the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30), we are expected to build on this great country God has given us. For the last 100 years, Christians have not only failed to build; we have actually LOST much of what God gave us through the founding fathers! We have done even WORSE than the wicked, lazy servant who was condemned in the parable!

Our founding fathers gave us a republic based on God's law. Which, by the way, commands that the country be defended by a militia, NOT a standing army! In 1 Samuel chapter 8, when ancient Israel rejected God as their king, the first thing the people said was, "Give us a king to go out and fight our battles for us!" They rejected their duty to serve in the militia, and called for a standing army! God answered them, telling them how much the army will oppress them.

That's why our Constitution forbids the EXISTENCE of a standing army! It authorizes a navy, but allows Congress to create an army for only two years at a time, only during national emergency. The Militia Act of 1792 defines the militia as "every able-bodied adult male," and REQUIRES you all to own guns and ammunition, to be ready to do your duty to defend your home and your country!

God's civil and criminal laws

God's law of militia, along with Christian political stewardship, is for the defense of God's other laws. Some of them are as follows:

Joshua chapter 20 gives us the principles of trial by jury, due process, habeus corpus, innocent until proven guilty, and public trial.

1 Samuel chapter 8 forbids big government, and commands people to take responsiblility for themselves, instead of pushing it off on the government.

Ruth chapter 4 shows us family responsibility, the sacredness of personal reputation, buying, selling, and joint ownership.

Exodus chapter 18 has criteria for the security and protection of community justice and judgment, ordnances, and a system of laws and courts.

Genesis chapters 2 through 48 show us free enterprise. Here we see independent farmers. We see labor and management responsibility. We see the freedom to move from one place to another. We see private ownership, inheritance, wage laws, the right to contract for wages, profit motive, and the right to barter.

Leviticus 19, Numbers 27, and Judges 1 show us equal justice for all, social and ecomonic equality for aliens, and women's rights for inheritance.

Deuteronomy chapters 15 through 25 contain God's "welfare program" (leave some crops unharvested, so the poor can earn a living). They contain judgment against bribery and corruption of public officials. They speak of philanthropy and personal integrity. And it forbids usury, the destroyer of nations!

Freedom, security, prosperity

The USA has been the greatest example in history of the wisdom of God's commands! No people in history have ever been as free and secure and prosperous as the USA once was. But today, our freedom is vanishing, our security is being violated, and our prosperity is wasting away.

Americans used to just go and do whatever they wanted. We could just buy or make anything we wanted. Today, we can hardly do anything without going through nightmares of paperwork and permits and licenses. And fees and taxes! We pay through the nose for permission to do what our ancestors did freely!

Our security is under constant threat from criminals, unleashed upon us by "enlightened" government programs to "have compassion" for these predators! The government is using them as terrorists, using them as an excuse to violate more and more of your rights, especially those of privacy and self defense!

And our prosperity is being consumed by hordes of bureaucrats who harass you at every turn, and "welfare" programs that pay people to be irresponsible. "The more babies you have, the more we'll pay you" was the policy. The government paid bad parents to have more children, so there would be more criminals to use as an excuse to violate everyone's rights!

Rights and responsibilities

Rights cannot be separated from responsibilities. God never told government to do charity! He told Christians to do it! Since the churches gave their responsibility to government, is it any surprise that the churches' rights are now being violated by that government? In many cities, Christians are being arrested for passing out pamphlets. Bible study groups in private homes are being broken up by police. The USA is quickly becoming the USSA: the United Socialist States of America!

Churches have spoken out on only a few of God's issues, but ignored the rest. That's like an army that defends only one section of the front. Very quickly, the enemy comes through the undefended areas, surrounds you, attacks from the sides and the rear, and destroys you!

That's exactly what's happened to the church and to the USA! We've defended a few issues, and have had only a small trickle of support doing that! Even on abortion, the wholesale slaughter of millions of innocent children! Even human sacrifice doesn't disturb many "Christians." Much less other violations of God's law that have done tremendous damage to God's kingdom! We defended a few issues, but we've been plundered by our country's violations of God's laws of finance!

God's financial base is being plundered!

Our financial system is a complete fraud! The Federal Reserve (a privately owned bank, with stockholders) prints legal tender (just like a counterfeiter) and loans it out at interest! It is a gross violation of Deuteronomy 15! And it has done exactly what it was designed to do! It creates debt! The debt can NEVER be paid! The only way the people can pay the interest is to borrow more legal tender!

The income that you spend paying the part of your debt that is owed to the Federal Reserve is out of circulation! Others have to borrow more to keep the ecomomy running! The debt can never be paid! It can only be shifted to others! We are now so deep in debt to the Fed and its member banks that they practically own everything! The churches have condoned this sin since it began in 1913, and are about to receive God's punishment for their sin of being silent!

The Satanists who own the Federal Reserve have been preparing the way for the Antichrist for hundreds of years. They have seduced the people into depending on this fraudulent financial system to supply every need. And they have brainwashed the people with communist ideology, flooding the airwaves and the newspapers with propaganda telling us, "Everything is so complex, you have to surrender all your rights to us 'experts' because you common people are too stupid to run your own lives!" (And they fill the rest of the airtime with other idiotic programs designed to make the people more stupid!)

Our obedience would have stopped the Antichrist!

The world is now eager for the arrival of the Antichrist, because the churches have sinned by ignoring God's laws of national conduct! Many churches have even been teaching their children to sin by telling them to deny their stewardship, to avoid careers in law and politics, where they might pass and enforce laws that promote morality! Instead, these churches teach their children to be cowards, saying, "Politics is dirty. You might be tempted to be corrupt!"

Many church leaders actually think they're being wise in all their cautious decisions, when in fact they're just being cowards! Rev. 21:8 is absolutely clear: cowards will have their place among the other vile, putrid sinners cast into the lake of fire!

Because the churches have been such cowards for the last several generations, they will very soon be punished by the most severe persecution ever to take place in all of history!

Many say, "The church has survived persecutions before." These people don't think it will happen to them! They think they'll be raptured away! First, the "pre-tribulation rapture" is a doctrine DELIBERATELY PLANTED in the church by the devil's disciples! And even if it was true, do you think God would rescue those who sin by not searching out all of his law? (Some of which is taught in this pamphlet.) Because of the churches' complacent attitude, persecution will come upon them (and the rest of us!) in just a few years! Hebrews 12:5-13 tells us to consider all hardship as God's discipline. Very soon that passage will be more true than it has ever been in history!

The New World Order, the coming global tyranny, with its persecution of Christians, is God's righteous punishment on the churches for their sin of neglecting to stand for all of his issues! The Devil and his wicked disciples are conspiring to establish the NWO. Because the churches have neglected most of God's issues, the Devil and his servants have captured vast amounts of "undefended territory". It is God's righteous judgement, and a direct physical consequence, that the Devil's plan is going to succeed! People get the government they deserve!

Obey God's law!

The churches need to stand up for ALL of God's Law! Not some perverted "UN Declaration of Human Rights" that says nothing about your right to self defense, or even your right to own property! (It does, however, claim government's "right" to redistribute your wealth!)

The same God who said, "You shall not kill" (abortion) also said, "You shall not steal" (socialism and welfare). When I give my money to help the poor, that's charity. When I take your money by force (taxes) to help the poor, that's theft! God never told any government to do charity!

God will judge you according to whether or not you have obeyed his political and economic laws along with his other laws; or even bothered to seek them out! God's word is his command! Disobedience of any of his laws will be punished!

Many Americans think, "It can't happen here! It's never happened before!" Because they have believed that lie, it WILL happen to them! SOON! Throughout all of history, it has NEVER FAILED to happen! Every nation that ever turned away from God's principles was soon destroyed!

So, what are YOU going to do? Are you going to seek his will? Are you going to speak out while we still have what little time we have left? Or will you choose to be lazy and ignorant and cowardly, like most people, making yourself deserving of God's righteous judgement?

This is just a small sample of neglected doctrine. For more info, surf the rest of this website, http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/8796
J.E.F.F. (Jesus' Eternal Freedom Foundation), P.O. Box 31715, Dayton OH, 45437-0715
(937) 299-8012

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