Restore Christian America! Some people say that the greatest threat to the American way of life is that Christians might be successful in gaining control of the government. They think that if Christians controlled the government, they would lose some of their freedom. Seriously! A lot of people actually believe that!

Of course, that is absolute stupidity! Those people are cursing the very thing that gave them everything they have! If Christians had never controlled government before, there wouldn't even be a United States of America! There would be no Constitution! There would be no recognition of people's rights! There would be no freedom at all! If Christians had never controlled the government in the past, the whole world would be just like it was before Christians began settling North America. There would be a few people who own everything, and the huddled masses living in fear of the power crazed maniacs who rule over them!

That is the natural state of affairs! Without God, without morality, the most clever people, the most ruthless people always rise to the top! It is human, sinful nature to want to take what's not yours! The Bible says there are three main categories of sin: lust, greed, and pride. (1 John 2:16) Greed wants own everything in sight. Pride wants to exalt itself over others, and cause people to suffer for its own sadistic pleasure!

That's the normal condition of rulers who reject God! All these people who want to keep God out of government, who want to have a "secular paradise," let them go someplace where they really do have an atheistic government! Let them go to Cuba! Let them go to North Korea! Let them go to Communist China! Let them find out what it's REALLY like to live in an "atheist paradise!" Let them find out what it's really like to live in a country that rejects God!

God's Law

It is God's law that made America what it is! It is God's law that gave us freedom to begin with! Not just in a few "Christian issues." A nation needs to obey God in EVERY area of life! America's founding fathers didn't just think up all that stuff about freedom and rights! They got every bit of it from the Bible!

The Law that God gave to Moses is the best example of law that's ever been given! In fact, in early America, you could quote the Bible in court, and it was recognized for what it really is! The Word of God is THE LAW! Not one bit of it will ever pass away! God's word stands FOREVER! No one can ever truly break God's law! If you try, it will eventually break you!

These people who want to kick God out of government ARE CURSING THE VERY THING THAT GAVE THEM EVERYTHING THEY HAVE! The entire Old Testament, including the Law that God gave to Moses, are given to us for our example! If you build a nation on those same principles, it will grow and prosper beyond all imagination! If you reject those principles, your country will be turned into Hell!

And that's exactly what we're seeing right before our eyes! They tell us that crime has leveled off, but that's only a statistical fluke. Most crime is committed by people between age 15 and 30. Right now, that's the "baby bust" generation. There's slighty less crime right now because there are fewer people in the age group that commits most crime. The crime rate per person in that age group is still going up! Plus, the "echo of the baby boom" is just now starting to enter that age group. So if you think the streets are dangerous now, just wait a few years!


Our nation is being turned into Hell! Poverty and homelessness are caused by the usury financial system that's been imposed on us! This thing we call a "dollar" is not a dollar! It is a banknote! It is a check issued by the Federal Reserve Bank, and LOANED into circulation! The Federal Reserve doesn't have enough gold to cover all the Federal Reserve notes they print. It is fraud! It is legalized counterfeiting! What most people call dollars are really nothing but bad checks!

And this loaning of it into circulation is usury! It's a violation of Deuteronomy chapter 15! The Federal Reserve System is a DOUBLE violation of God's law! Fraud AND usury!

After these notes are loaned into circulation, the interest has to come from somewhere. The only places it can come from is first, depleting everyone's savings, and then borrowing more from the Federal Reserve! There are no other places for "money" to come from! Every time the people borrow, they have to put up their property as collateral. Money is not wealth, property is! Our entire financial system is designed to transfer the ownership of all of the property from the people to the ruthless few who own the Federal Reserve Bank! That's right! The Federal Reserve is a PRIVATE corporation, just like Federal Express! A PRIVATE group of individuals has bound us in this usury!

The debt can never be paid! You might be thrifty enough to pay YOUR debt, but that money is now out of circulation! If the economy is to continue running, someone else has to borrow more money, and put up more collateral! Each generation starts out deeper in debt, and ends up less well off than the one before! The debt can never be paid! It can only be shifted to someone else!

You might retire with a pension, and your house paid for. But who's going to pay the taxes and interest that support your pension, when everybody else has gone bankrupt?

More government evil

There's a very long list of what these ruthless few are doing to everyone through the power of government. For example, people are starving to death, and still the government pays farmers to not grow food! They are using food as a weapon! They're ARTIFICIALLY CREATING food shortages to force the people to be desperate enough to accept whatever "solution" they offer. And the solution is always the same: more government! More of the very same thing that created the problems to begin with!

Bill Clinton says he's reduced the size of government. The only thing he's reduced is defense! He's left us naked before our enemies! The rest of government is growing faster than ever! In the eight years of Bush and Clinton, our defense has been cut by more than half! Do not be deceived! George Bush was no loyal American! He sold us out just as much as anyone! His "no new taxes" and his "deficit reduction" shot up both of them out of sight!

God's limits on government

I could go on for hours telling you what's evil about today's government. But I think I've covered that well enough. The main idea is that, God's example is to have very little government. 1 Samuel chapter 8 sums it up very well. Israel wanted a king to take on all the responsibilities that God assigns to the people. Just like a lot of people today! They want the government to do all the things the people should be doing for themselves! They don't want to be responsible to God! They want the government to be their god!

1 Samuel chapter 8 says very plainly what happens when you ask government to do what you should be doing: The government that you want to be your savior will soon become your oppressor! That's why Thomas Jefferson said, "Any government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take everything you've got!"


Everything about early America came from the Bible! Especially important is widespread ownership of land. God's law is that every fifty years, all the land is to be returned to the heirs of the original owners. (Leviticus chapter 25.) No homelessness here! Land ownership was guaranteed! In early America, the government did everything they could to get people to have land of their own, even to the point of outright GIVING the land away! The worst fear of a tyrant is a self sufficient farm! Power crazed maniacs want everyone to depend on them for everything! Power crazed maniacs want to be God! (Remember, lust, greed, and pride are the three basic sins.)

Early America tried to follow God's Law in giving people land. Today, real estate taxes are designed to TAKE everybody's land! "Pay us money, or we'll take your land!" Today's system has changed the people from being the lords over their own land into serfs paying rent on the government's land!

Plus, there are now "asset seizure" laws! The government is making up new laws left and right to give themselves any excuse to steal your property! Someone steals your car and transports drugs in it? Your car is now government property! Someone trespasses on your land and grows marijuana? Your land is now government property! You take too much cash out of the bank because you don't trust the bankers? You're guilty of "structuring!" Everything you own is now government property! That's been the law for more than ten years now!


Where where the newspapers and TV networks that should have been warning us about this? They were busy ENTERTAINING us with the OJ trial, Don Trump's divorce, and any other fluff they can come up with! The news media has been keeping us occupied with useless information while their buddies have stolen us blind!

I say "buddies," but it's really the same people! The very same people who own the TV networks and the newspapers and the magazines also own the banks, including the Federal Reserve!

How did this happen? How did such a ruthless few come to own almost everything in sight? They were better organized than we were! They were more diligent than we were! The ruthless few came to have so much power because the rest of us DISOBEYED GOD'S COMMAND to be "as wise as serpents, and as harmless as doves." (Matthew 10:16)

God has commanded us to be smarter than the enemy. How many times does the Bible say, "Do not be deceived!" God did not give you a brain for you to lie around with your mind flapping in the breeze! When you don't use what God gave you, you are dishonoring God! When you spend your life just lying back and being entertained, and not actively serving God, you are being lazy! Mental laziness is a sin just as much as any other kind of laziness! God gave you a mind! He expects you to use it!

The ruthless few have been able to concentrate all the power in the world (to give to the Antichrist) because our side was not faithful with what God has given us!

What God gave us

God gave our ancestors a vast continent, and our founding fathers built a Christian republic. Not a democracy, which can be controlled by mass media! A republic, which means "rule of law." A Christian republic is a government by God's Law. Our founding fathers were faithful with what God gave them. They built a Christian republic that became the envy of the world!

No other nation has ever done more for God! No other nation has ever promoted the gospel like we have! No other nation has ever provided more disaster relief all over the world! Every bit of it is because the United States of America was founded on the Word of God!

George Washington: "It is impossible to rightly govern without God and the Bible."

John Adams (our 2nd president): "The destiny of America is to carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all men, everywhere!"

Andrew Jackson: "The Bible is the book upon which this republic rests."

And all the soldiers who served in George Washington's army: their battle cry was, "No King but Jesus!"

There are hundreds of quotations by the founding fathers, all making the same point: the United States of America is a Christian republic!

In case you haven't noticed, more than 80% of the Bible discusses affairs of state! Most of the Bible talks about PUBLIC life! We need to obey God in EVERY area of life! Including our public life!


This idea of a "purely personal gospel" was DELIBERATELY PLANTED IN THE CHURCHES by the ruthless few who have conspired against Christ! These very same people who defrauded us of everything we own, paid to have certain people put on the boards of seminaries, who then hired professors who believe all the false doctrines that have destroyed our Christian republic!

These big money men went from college to college saying, "We'd like to give you this big pile of money. All you have to do is put old so-and-so here on your board of directors." Old so-and-so then gradually fills the faculty with false teachers whose doctrines have destroyed the church from inside! (Acts 20:29-31) This has been going on in our country for over a hundred years! Just because your church has said a particular thing for all your life doesn't make it true! If it's not in the Bible, throw it out!

Like this idea of a "purely personal gospel." There is nothing about the Bible that is so self-centered! The Bible has hundreds of commands to look out for others! Like the parable of the talents in Matthew chapter 25. I've been alluding to it throughout this message! God's command is to use everything you can to serve him! If you have a vote, use it to elect godly rulers! If you have a mind, use it to tell others how God's ways are best! Everything you have is to be used to serve God! In every way possible! Including government!

The role of government

Romans chapter 13 tells us the proper role of government: to protect people's rights by punishing those who violate them! In fact, almost all of God's commands are to not violate other people's rights! That's where the whole idea of rights comes from! We are to use everything we can to guarantee liberty and justice for all!

You can't have liberty without justice! If you want to keep your freedom, don't abuse it! It is for liberty that Christ gave his life. Don't use your liberty as a license to do evil! (Jude v.4)

The role of government is to defend people's rights. The role of the church is to preach the gospel, and to help the needy. A hundred years ago, that's the way it was. Government did not get involved in charity. It cost a lot less, and it was a lot more effective! The churches helped people become independent.

Government out of place

For the last 60 years, the government, in the name of "charity", has been promoting sin! Government doesn't want you to be independent! Government wants you to be dependent on the system! By promoting laziness and fornication, they have created an entire class of people that are a menace to society! Drug abuse and crime became rampant everywhere the government tried to do charity!

That's what happens when one institution tries to do what God has assigned to another institution! The government is trying to do the work of the church! And is doing it very badly! Just like in 1 Samuel chapter 8: the people wanted the government to do what they should be doing themselves! That ALWAYS results in oppression!

Good and evil masters

America needs to obey God's Law, or it will be destroyed. Not by God, but by those who take advantage of the weaknesses and desires of people who are not fully committed to God! The way "God destroys" a nation is, he takes away his protection and allows the enemy to destroy it. God is not a destroyer! God is a healer!

Jesus is not coming to destroy the world! He's coming to rescue it! He's coming to rescue the world from those who rebel against him! Those who lead entire populations away from God! Those who deceive everyone into giving them the service and devotion that belong to God alone!

You think you're not serving them? How much of your income do you pay to them in taxes and interest? Well over half! And people say 10% is too much to give to God! The Devil and his servants are taking more than half of your income!


We need to use everything we can to serve God. We need to obey God in EVERY area of life. In a parable in Luke chapter 19, we are told to "occupy until he comes." Yes, everything is going to run its course. Prophecy will be fulfilled. But when the Lord returns, will he find faith in the earth? Will he find people doing his will, living according to his word, organizing their entire way of life according to his Law?

There are pamphlets on this website, and on others, that can help get you pointed in the right direction. They're free. They can help point out to you what areas of God's commands the churches have been neglecting.

Of course, the bedrock of all of this is the Bible! Don't just take my word for anything! Check it out in the Bible! Anything that contradicts the Bible is not true!

Over the last several years, I've had to throw out doctrines that thought were true. I can guarantee: you're going to have to do the same! The enemy has been spectacularly successful in subverting all the institutions of society, including the church! As I mentioned previously, Satanists have deliberately planted false doctrines in the church.

Doctrine is important! Doctrine governs what you do! You do the things you do because of what you believe! If you're doing things you don't believe in, then you don't really believe what you think you do!

You're going to have to clean the house of your mind! You're going to have to throw out some things you thought were Godly! We need to return to God what rightfully belongs to him. First, yourself. Then, the church! Then, all the other institutions of society, including government!

Earlier, I mentioned how we've sat back and let the ungodly take over God's republic, and how we need to take it back. Along with that is, we need to learn God's law all over again! We need to know God's law so we know how to govern righteously!


Of course, there will be opposition. The powers that be will not tolerate truth! For example, last week (June 1997), the newspaper had a story about an Arkansas state trooper who retracted his earlier statements saying that he saw Bill Clinton commit adultery. He says that he was paid to make up the story, and now he wants to say it's not true. Should we believe him? Is he lying now, or was he lying then?

We could ask the other Arkansas state troopers who said they saw Bill Clinton commit adultery! Oops! No we can't! Many of them are dead! People who criticize Bill Clinton tend to have a lot of "accidents!"

God's chosen people

In spite of all this, we still have God's encouragement! In Genesis chapter 12, God told Abraham that he would bless those who bless him and curse those who curse him. Galatians 3:16 says, "The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. The Scripture does not say "and to seeds," meaning many people, but "and to your seed," meaning one person, who is Christ."

Right here, the Bible says that God's promises to Abraham do not apply to an ethnic group, but to Christ alone! That's what the Bible says! Now let's go down to verse 29. Galatians 3:29 says, "If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise."

That's what the Bible says! God's promises to Abraham apply to Christians! And no one else! Ninety percent of the churches need to repent of their racism! Ninety percent of the churches preach that God's blessings belong to some ethnic group, regardless of their disobedience to him! The Bible plainly says that's false doctrine! We just read it!

Some preachers denounce the above as "replacement theology." Whatever you call it, IT'S WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS! Those false teachers need to repent of their RACIST THEOLOGY!

1 John 2:22-23 says, "Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a man is the antichrist -- he denies the Father and the Son. No one who denies the Son has the Father; whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also." That is The One Test of whether someone is for God or for the devil: does that individual acknowledge Jesus as the Messiah? Ninety percent of the churches are actually praising antichrist! Praising those who make denial of Christ a cornerstone of their religion! That is an enormous SIN! The churches need to repent!

God's promises belong to those who obey him! And no one else! Anybody from ANY ethnic group can become a Christian! Actually, everybody from EVERY ethnic group NEEDS to become a Christian! When the Lord returns, every person who cooperated with the global rebellion against Christ will be put to death!

Get on God's side!

In Luke 20:9-19, Jesus told the parable where a man planted a vineyard and left servants in charge of it. He went away, and sent messengers back, whom the servants killed. He finally sent his son, and they killed him too! In the end, the owner returned and killed those servants and put others in charge! That is the end of everyone who disobeys God! Death!

This is probably the best litmus test of all to show whose side you're really on! (Compared with whose side you think you're on!) Any preacher who bases his doctrine on a belief that God will bless someone who denies Christ cannot be trusted with any doctrine! Do not tolerate it in your church!

God's blessings belong to those who obey him! If you're loyal to Christ, God will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you! So take heart! Even if you die for Christ, he will raise you up! You'll return with him in your glorified body! (1 Thessalonians 4:15-18, 1 Corinthians 15:50-58 (esp. 50-53)

But until then, we need to show ourselves faithful! We need to be found doing God's will when he returns!

Restoring our Christian republic is not a violation of anything! It's not a violation of the Bible, or the Constitution! In fact, it is obedience to them! Restoring our Christian republic is simply restoring everything to the proper place it had to begin with! Restoring our Christian republic means restoring lawful, legitimate government! It is not just our right! It is our duty!

Matthew 11:12 "From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it." That's our job: to advance the kingdom of God in every way we can!

Jesus is coming back! Will he find you faithful? Will he find you doing his will when he returns?

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