How to Protect Your Rights

Many gun owners vow that the only way their guns will be confiscated is that "they'll be pried from my cold, dead fingers." Sadly, this is likely to be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The time to defend your rights is long before the government begins house to house searches. By that time, you'll be alone against a dozen cops or soldiers storming your house. It makes no difference to them whether you surrender your guns or they shoot you and take it from you. The result is the same: you're disarmed.

In fact, tyrants prefer killing everyone who might be inclined to resist! They actually prefer that gun owners behave just as they are behaving!

Most gun owners are waiting until the last line of defense is assaulted. By then, it's too late! If you wait until then to take a stand, your defeat is guaranteed!

We must stand firm on the lines of defense that are NOW being assaulted! Do not allow the totalitarians to make the gains they are already making! Do not allow them to get into a position where they are ABLE to begin house to house searches!

The "cold dead fingers" attitude of most gun owners is like a chess player who allows his opponent to nibble away all his other pieces, until he is left with only his king. The king alone is guaranteed to lose against the opponent's entire force! To follow the "cold dead fingers" strategy is to wait until your defeat is nearly complete to even begin resisting the tyrants!

There are always would-be tyrants. Lust for power is a fact of life. Every day, there are many people who would love to be dictator. A few of them are clever enough to figure out how to actually do it!

Threats to liberty are a fact of life. There are always people who would love to take advantage of others.

Today, after six thousand years of recorded history, this class of people has figured out that their success is far more likely if they work together. A would-be tyrant today realizes that he can go much farther by working through existing institutions than he can by starting his own.

Of course there is competition between them. But there is also cooperation on issues that benefit them as an entire class.

These issues are not limited to just guns. This ruling class of people increases its power by taking control of EVERY aspect of society. They want more than just your guns. They want EVERYTHING you own! Including yourself!

They are carrying out a comprehensive attack to take control of EVERY aspect of life. By taking control of finance, government, the media, education, and religion, they are taking control of everything you do, say, and think!

A little digging will reveal that ALL of the above (finance, government, the media, education, and religion) are in fact controlled by a very small group of people!

They control finance by owning the central bank. (The same few people own the central banks of almost all the countries in the world!) They control the media by owning the TV networks and the major newspapers. They control government by funding the campaigns of candidates who serve their interests, and by using the media to smear anyone who dares speak the truth. They control education and religion by having their tax-exempt foundations give money (with strings attached) to colleges and seminaries.

Since we're being attacked in EVERY area of life, not just guns, we the people must COUNTERATTACK in every area of life, not just guns. We can specialize in certain areas, but we ALL need to know the basics of ALL the other areas so we can discern who actually is our friend, and who is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Go ahead and specialize, but cooperate with your friends in the other areas. The enemy has used this tactic with devastating effectiveness. We should use it back on them.

Always study your enemy. Learn from him. Use his tactics (the ones that are morally acceptable) against him! Do not lie. Do not extort. Do not defraud. But spread the truth using many of the same techniques the enemy has used to spread his lies!

You can never win a single battle that will win your freedom for you for all time. The adage is indeed true: The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. To remain free, we all must keep on watching for and opposing threats to our freedom.

There will always be threats. We must always keep fighting them. On every front. Not just guns. If you defend only one section of the front, the enemy will run around you and surround you and defeat you!

Study Christian patriot literature. The whole idea of freedom is based on ideas found in the Bible. Without the Bible, there can never be any freedom.

Study my web site. I have written these articles to explain the situation as clearly and concisely as possible. I have tried to put into the articles maximum understanding in minimum space. I want to educate as many people as possible as efficiently as possible.

If you're reading this on a paper copy, the web site is: (include the periods) If you don't have internet access yourself, ask a friend who does, or go to a public library. Many public libraries have computers with internet access available for public use.

The American people have neglected God (and our founding fathers, who won our freedom in obedience to him) for a long time. The enemy has made huge advances. We are already nearly checkmated. As bad as the situation is, go ahead and do the right thing. There are many times throughout history that a few weak people opposed many powerful ones, and won great victories!

There are many ways God can intervene on our behalf. Live so as to seek his favor, and you can still win! And even if you don't win in this life, if you are faithful to him, he will raise you up at the resurrection, when he comes to put to death all who opposed him!

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