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Courtney - 02/23/98 23:14:25
My Email:[email protected]
Recommended URL: http://
Another good URL: http://
Surfed into this site from Tederico's page. I'm trying to build a network of contacts of people concerned with h'lessness, & to try to get something going for my locale.

curtis - 01/27/98 00:20:37
Recommended URL: http://
Another good URL: http://
Recommended book: BIBLE
Requested topic for a column: How Rich people cause homlessness
Your web site acks like rich people cause homlessness . If Rich people did not pay such high taxs you can bet there would be double the homeless Rich people don't take from poor people. poor people don't create jobs .I think you guys need to look around the world and see how the homeless are treated And see how great we all have it here

CURTIS AGIN - 01/21/98 02:36:36
Recommended URL: http://
Another good URL: http://
Recommended book: GROO the wonder a comic book
Requested topic for a column: WELFARE
EDUCATION comes in many forms, a collage Grad. that has spent 20 years at one job, gets Fired with no way to go back into that field. Now has to be re-trained to lesser job and lower Pay . yet still being Educated it never stops We have spet trillions of dollers to wipe out Poverty [ more then any country ever ] And every year since it started the welfare rolls Have grown [ it was started to wipe out poverty] Not to increase it. Not to inslave people to it. Look at any houseing project, where are they located not by any jobs not by any good schools And not by middle class tax payers. They stick them out in the worst part of jobs no education no safty no hope I.E. modern day slaves . Husbans and wifes having to get divosed to get benafits distroying the famliy Wemen having child after child and geting more money for each child.... 60 % of the people on it do not have a high school diploma 25 million people on welfare......It could not go on for ever with nothing changing.. I to am on disablity i have a broken neck and yet here i am Trying to learn more it never stops.. If you want to be the King of the hill you can never stop climbing no matter how many times you get knock down

CURTIS - 01/20/98 23:18:09
My Email:[email protected]
Recommended URL: http://
Another good URL: http://
Recommended book: BIBLE.....or Derango Street
Requested topic for a column: WELFARE
WELFARE dose not help people... EDUCATION is the only thing that helps people WELFARE traps people in a down ward spiral of Mental help lessness EDUCATION will take an uninspired mind and Breath life back into it....... People on welfare should have to spend 8 hours a day Doing the only thing that will Make life better for them and the rest of us And that one thing is EDUCATION You can give a man a fish and feed him once Or you TEACH him how to fish and feed him For Life................... People on welfare do get to go to college For free right.........

Anitra Freeman - 01/19/98 03:49:26
My Email:mailto:[email protected]
Recommended URL:
Another good URL:
Testing again: I made some guestbook changes. Write On!

~*Wee One Daybreak*~ - 01/17/98 15:55:00
My Email:[email protected]
Recommended URL: mine :)
Another good URL: another one of mine :)
Thanx a bunch for visiting me! Just came back to return the visit! Keep up the great work on your page! : )

Anitra Freeman - 01/14/98 08:46:50
My Email:[email protected]
Recommended URL:
Another good URL:
Recommended book: Take the Rich Off Welfare
Requested topic for a column:: anything short :)
A suggested action for helping homelessness:: Get to know a homeless person. At least talk.
A suggested action for building community:: Try to understand the viewpoint of at least one person you disagree with.
Just trying out my own guestbook format to see if it works. And at least I've given all you visitors *something* to read. Now give me something to read. :)

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