Welcome to the Guestbook of Wolcenfrea. Here, you will find messages left by the visitors of my page, The Right Ideology. Also, you may visit the pages of those who have already signed my Guestbook.
Steven Chiapet - 09/18/00 19:30:48
My URL:http://www.chiaweb.net
My Email:[email protected]
Your Page's Title: Chiapet Webcam
Your Favourite Party: mine
Your Favourite Leader: me
Your Favourite Premier: me
Your Favourite Book: mine
The next PM of Canada: me

Great site!! Check out my site that features a live growing chiapet webcam, and more!

Devia - 06/04/00 01:49:38
My URL:http://www.slavejournal.com
My Email:[email protected]
Your Page's Title: The Slave Journals


- 07/17/99 12:54:41
My Email:[email protected]

As much as Im interested in your page for my own research, the idea of Communism is tremendous. If we forget the fact that Stalin killed over 30 million of his own people, his policies cannot be faulted. He revolutionised a backward, and by all rights unofficially feudal society. The people had everything they needed, money,hospitals, they were even sent on holiday to health farms for a fortnight on the State!Some may argue that it was one of his policies to kill, however, forget that and see that Stalinism actually worked.

If we forget that Stalin killed over 30 million of his own people (perhaps as many as 70 million), sure, communism in Russia was great. If we forget that slave laborers were forced to work until death in order to "revolutionise" Russia, the hospitals they produced were great (read Solzhenitsyn's The Gulag Archipelago). But we will never forget; we cannot.

You must realize that for most people, the choice between democracy and Stalin, slavery, and democide isn't a very difficult one. In the words of Max Eastman, a friend of Lenin, "instead of being better, Stalinism is worse than fascism, more ruthless, barbarous, unjust, immoral, anti-democratic, unredeemed by any hope or scruple . . . [it is] better described as superfascist."

That's not what I would call "tremendous," with or without holidays to "health farms on the State."

Ethan - 05/11/99 06:24:22
My URL:http://www.crosswinds.net/paris/~ejones42/politics.html
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Party: Socialist Party, USA
Your Favourite Leader: Eugene Debs

So you'd like to think Capitalism's the answer, eh? I'd love to believe you..if it weren't for the glaring evidence against such beliefs. Take coporations, for example. Capitalists always tout the virtues of the corporation. Here's the problem--these corporations, vanguards of the "free market," are really its economic oligarchs. CEOs, boards of directors, and prominent shareholders make decisions involving billions of dollars (canadian/american it makes no difference)and thousands of jobs generally without even consulting the workers and consumers who are affected by their decisions. This is the kind of power that the corporation wields--true political/economic/social power over individuals and entire nations--that isn't even democratic. Is this really "Freedom?" What I propose instead is economic democracy--in which the corporations are turned over to the workers and consumers whose lives are affected by them. In this way, and only in this way, can we ensure that the needs of the workers and the consumers can be satisfied in a fair, rational, and democratic manner. Haphazard "market forces" only serve to undermine freedom, not to guarantee it. This rant is intended to show you only a small part of the other side of the coin. Capitalism isn't as great as it's cracked up to be. Check out my site for more info.

Aren’t we a little paranoid, here? You wrote that “This is the kind of power that the corporation wields--true political/economic/social power over individuals and entire nations . . .” Are you sure? Does the corporation wield such power, or is your culprit the government? Milton Friedman wrote about the virtues of capitalism in his Capitalism and Freedom (a great book which I urge you to read): “As Adam Smith said, competition does not protect the consumer [or worker] because businesspeople are altruistic or generous, or even because they are more competent, but only because it is in the self-interest of business to serve the consumer. If one merchant offers you goods of lower quality or of higher price than a second merchant, you will not return to the first store. The central feature of the market economy is that it usually prevents one person from interfering with another. Consumers are protected from coercion by sellers because of the presence of competitors. Sellers are protected from coercion by consumers because of other consumers to whom they can sell. Employees are protected from coercion by the employer because of other employers for whom they can work, and so on. Indeed, a major source of objection to a free economy is precisely that it does this task so well. It gives people what they want instead of what a particular group thinks they ought to want. Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself.”

Do people really want what you propose--“economic democracy”/dictatorship of the proletariat--or do they realise that communism isn’t “as great as it’s cracked up to be”?

Lars Ormberg - 04/18/99 04:39:53
My URL:http://www.ualberta.ca/~larso/
My Email:[email protected]
Your Page's Title: The University of Lars
Your Favourite Party: There are none in Canada right-wing enough for me
Your Favourite Leader: There are none in Canada right-wing enough for me
Your Favourite Premier: Ernest Manning, deceased
Your Favourite Book: UNIX For Dummies
The next PM of Canada: After Chretien? Martin. After him? Another Liberal hack. I hold no high hopes

Good page

Nanette Winfield - 04/10/99 19:47:32
My Email:[email protected]
Your Page's Title: Working on one
Your Favourite Party: Conservative-Repub.
Your Favourite Leader: Newt Gingrich
Your Favourite Book: Hungry Ghost

Very nice web site. Did add to my favorites. Don't want to be a smart a$$, but you spelled favorite wrong. Just thought I would let know. Will check in on your site a couple times a week. I liked your nazi article. Nanette of Houston

GregoryLT - 04/09/99 07:01:53
My URL:http://people.goplay.com/rWcHome
My Email:[email protected]
Your Page's Title: rWc Right Wing Conspiracy rWc
Your Favourite Party: rWc 4 EVER !!
Your Favourite Leader: Ronald Reagan
Your Favourite Premier: Rush Limbaugh
Your Favourite Book: The Way Things Ought To Be
The next PM of Canada: Bret "Hitman" Hart

The Right Wing Conspiracy is a humorous website that picks on the Lib-ronis as well as professional wrestling. The rWc is NOT just 4 LIFE......but 4 EVER because President Clinton is JUST TOO SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET !!!!!!!!!!!

Chris Chokan - 04/06/99 01:58:28
My URL:http://come.to/chokage
My Email:mr_buff@thegym
Your Page's Title: Herc's Super Chokage Page
Your Favourite Party: At my friend Mike's House
Your Favourite Leader: Colonel Sanders
Your Favourite Premier: The premier of 90210
Your Favourite Book: Destroy all the Books by Chris Chokan
The next PM of Canada: PM Chokan


Hey, if it wasn't for Nazis there'd be no Wolfenstein.

ArkhosAngelos - 03/04/99 20:54:20
My URL:http://www.shadowgov.com
My Email:[email protected]
Your Page's Title: ShadowGov.com
Your Favourite Party: None
Your Favourite Leader: Bob Enyart
Your Favourite Book: A Man Called Peter

ShadowGov: Wave II

Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick. ShadowGov.com seeks to avenge her. Tens of millions heard about ShadowGov from its introduction at the O.J. Simpson auction in Hollywood Feb. 16th. (We destroyed Simpson’s trophies declaring his guilt and calling for reforms in the justice system.) And now, one week later, millions saw ShadowGov strike again. In 80 cities across America, the government reform group organized a coordinated protest to get the rapist out of the White House. Since Bill Clinton remains in office, ShadowGov’s second wave will bring us to 200 cities across America this Saturday, March 6th. We want to send you one of our protest kits with banners, T-shirts, a press release, and leaflets. So please call our ShadowGov supply line, 1-888-836-9278. This Doesn't end here!! We won't stop until we've been heard! Help support us!!!

It costs a fortune to catch a rapist

It might be hard for anyone to get an overview of what is happening, but it's significant. We've spent over $40,000 in the last two weeks. We need money desperately, another $30,000 for this week. And even more so, we need workers, someone to focus on media and scheduling interviews. There are 100 radio interviews a week we could be doing but that are not happening because so few are helping us. If you would like to volunteer time please call us at 1-888-8Enyart. Please, do what you can, and then ask God for the ability to do more. If you can help financially please mail us a check or money order to: ShadowGov P.O. Box 583 Arvada CO, 80001 The demands on our finances are severe and immediate. If you can wire a contribution please send it to: Bank routing# 30707026 account 060110001785 Thank you!

dayton blume - 01/21/99 18:27:27
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Party: Birthday
Your Favourite Leader: Hank Aaron
Your Favourite Premier: Star Trek
Your Favourite Book: The Time Machine

This is one of the best website EVER!!!!!!!!!!

Jim - 07/11/98 07:22:58

Thanks for the reply it cleared some stuff up, but I got more problems. Firstly, libertarian ideals are generally associated with anarchy, and anarchy is radical left as I understand. Even the liberals feel they have to explain the actions of their radical counrterparts, what I don't get is how conservatives and libertarians eet. Federalism, every site I visited told me that they were a group of conservative and libertarian law students, and none of them spoke of federalism as I understood (stronger centralized government) You also mentioned that it was impossible to be a conservative and an anti-communist. I don't get it. Why did Mr. Pirie out of all things call individualism a cult? Anarchist literature frequently addresses individualism as a personality cult. Please explain this to me, I am at a loss. Could you tell me a bit more about Reagan, Reaganomics, I went to some websites that slagged him really bad and want to see some of your side. Anyway have a good one

Jim - 07/07/98 05:30:41
My Email:Don't
Your Page's Title: Ask
Your Favourite Party: Me
Your Favourite Leader: Yet
Your Favourite Premier: you'll
Your Favourite Book: know
The next PM of Canada: soon enough

It's jim couple of questions Why are communists evil? What's a socialist? What can you tell me about anarchy (isn't it a libertarian ideal?, but then you never mention it) Any other great political websites? do you know where I could reference all the "isms" collectivism? syndicalism? French to me Lates.

Robric Blaze - 05/13/98 06:05:34
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Party: Republican
Your Favourite Leader: Richard Nixon
Your Favourite Book: Robert Jordan's Eye of the World


Antieducrat - 04/07/98 02:42:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Cabana/7045/
My Email:[email protected]
Your Page's Title: How to Cross a Border
Your Favourite Party: The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
Your Favourite Leader: Newt Gingrich
Your Favourite Premier: Ralph Klein
Your Favourite Book: Economic Sophisms by Frederic Bastiat
The next PM of Canada: Ralph Klein

Hello everyone. Come here... Who knows when you will have to cross a border...

A Communist Comrade - 03/21/98 06:35:11
My Email:it's in the Little Red Book.. page 134
Your Page's Title: The Life and Death of a Chinese Communist
Your Favourite Party: CCP, NOT the same as Marxist-Leninists of Canada!!
Your Favourite Leader: Deng Xiaoping
Your Favourite Premier: Lin Biao
Your Favourite Book: The Little Red Book
The next PM of Canada: Jiang Zemin!!

who said this only had to apply to canadians? mike.. if you figure out who this is.. well, then.... good for you!

Bill Clinton - 01/29/98 12:25:33
My URL:http://www.white-house.com\oval_office
My Email:[email protected]
Your Page's Title: none
Your Favourite Party: mine
Your Favourite Leader: me
Your Favourite Premier: Mike Harris
Your Favourite Book: Yes I Can, by Sammy Davis Jr.
The next PM of Canada: Jean Chretien

Well, I'm in deep doo-doo. Oh yeah, for a guy who says someone is delusional for using the nick "God"... read the info on "Who Is Wolcenfrea?"... seems like someone else has the same idea, doesn't it?

Yes, you are in trouble Mr. Clinton. (Thank you for not leaving a valid e-mail address.) Although Wolcenfrea is the Lord of the Air in J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, neither God nor religion are mention d in the document "Who is Wolcenfrea?" Nice try, though.

Modjeskis' Society - 01/25/98 03:37:30
My URL:http://www.hollyland.com
My Email:[email protected]
Your Page's Title: Welcome to Hollyland
Your Favourite Party: Libertarian
Your Favourite Leader: Myself
Your Favourite Premier: Myself
Your Favourite Book: as recommended
The next PM of Canada: who knows?

The "hollyland" has been dedicated to all patriots around the world. It is a must lecture. Thanks for concern - Publisher

Modjeskis' Society - 01/25/98 03:35:25
My URL:http://www.hollyland.com
My Email:[email protected]
Your Page's Title: Welcome to Hollyland
Your Favourite Party: Libertarian
Your Favourite Leader: Myself
Your Favourite Premier: Myself
Your Favourite Book: as recommended
The next PM of Canada: who knows?

The "hollyland" has been dedicated to all patriots around the world. It is a must lecture. Thanks for concern - Publisher

God - 01/20/98 22:22:07
My URL:http://www.god.com/heaven
My Email:[email protected]
Your Page's Title: Heaven
Your Favourite Party: none
Your Favourite Leader: none
Your Favourite Premier: none
Your Favourite Book: The Bible
The next PM of Canada: none

DO NOT EVER, EVER say forget Hitler. It is a sad, sad chapter in the history of the world that cannot, and should not be forgotten. Also, your essay/debate topics seem over-inflated... your essays and debates hardly live up to their description. They are lso to short, and contain no proof whatsoever to back them up with fact or reference. God is angry. Get your ego and intellect checked so you don't make your work sound better than it is.

Normally, I would not afford a response to someone who posts hate mail and claims to be God, but here it is:
If you had taken the time to read my speech in its entirety, you would know that I did not write "forget Hitler," or anything of the kind.  If you had quoted the statement in context (from the speech "On the Issue of Cloning") you would know that I wrote that when we "begin to realise the advantages of cloning and forget about rumours of megalomaniacs and the return of Hitler, we will see the benefits of cloning."  I did not write that we should "forget Hitler," but that we should forget about rumours of his return, which the facts clearly indicate is not possible.  Hitler should not be forgotten, and I sincerely apologize if anything that I have written suggests anything to the contrary (which it does not).  Rather, Hitler should serve as a reminder of the evils of fascism, nazism, and collectivism in general.

As for my essays and debates, perhaps you should read them more carefully.  Unlike your assertion that my essays "contain no proof whatsoever to back them up with fact or reference," my essays are always backed up with facts.  Perhaps you did not notice the 38 endnotes at the end of a recent essay on Canada's Immigration System.  Why would I need these if I did not use facts or references to back up my arguments?  Granted, some of the material on The Right Ideology is based on philosophical topics and does not contain many facts or any references, but in these cases, none are necessary.  Can I prove that every person has the natural right to life, liberty, and property with facts?  No, I cannot.  Nevertheless, this is true.

And as for the quality of my work, I believe that the real God would be a much better judge than someone as ignorant and sacreligious as you.

Bob Dole - 10/29/97 20:40:45
My URL:http://www.yankees.com
My Email:[email protected]
Your Page's Title: Bob Dole doesn't need this!
Your Favourite Party: Republicans
Your Favourite Leader: Bob Dole
Your Favourite Premier: Senator Bob Dole
Your Favourite Book: see Bob Dole run
The next PM of Canada: Bob Dole

Bob Dole doesn't need this

thelittleguy - 09/05/97 06:42:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/7788
Your Page's Title: Truth
Your Favourite Party: None..they all suck!
Your Favourite Leader: Me..the leader of the revolution
Your Favourite Book: Don't read....act!
The next PM of Canada: Hopefully, someone a little more pro-rights!

Come give the TRUTH a visit

Neil Pope - 08/29/97 03:37:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/timessquare/castle/7111
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Party: Liberals
Your Favourite Leader: Anyone not called Jacques, Lucien, Brian, or Kim
Your Favourite Premier: Bob Rae
Your Favourite Book: Anything Far Side
The next PM of Canada: Myself (really)

Hi Mike! Get out of CapitAl Hill

Philip Chan - 08/20/97 16:47:35
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Party: none
Your Favourite Leader: none
Your Favourite Premier: none
Your Favourite Book: Journey Through Genius
The next PM of Canada: me

Hey Mike!

Jon Weir - 08/19/97 19:36:28
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Party: Natural Law
Your Favourite Leader: Dr. Neil Patterson
Your Favourite Premier: none apply
Your Favourite Book: Umm... Star wars.. all of them
The next PM of Canada: Me of course


Michael Smith - 08/16/97 18:08:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/7795/
My Email:[email protected]
My Page's Title: The Right Ideology
My Favourite Party: The Progressive Conservative Party of Canada
My Favourite Leader: Jean Charest
My Favourite Premier: Ralph Klein
My Favourite Book: J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings
The next PM of Canada: Jean Charest (Perhaps Paul Martin, and then Jean Charest)

Hello everyone. Well, I couldn't resist the temptation to be the first to sign my Guestbook. By the way, this is what your message should look like.

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