Join the Anarchist Black Ribbon Anti-Censorship Campaign!

I pledge allegience to civil disobedience, in the United Police States of AmeriKKKa, not to mention the Banana Republic, on which it is falling, one nation, divided by class, under a self-contradictory, hierarchical, dead-beat God, with economic liberty and advantage for owners.

Welcome to my small but growing page. This page will contain several things that interest me, such as Libertarian Socialism, and numerous other things that I think is worth your time. If you can't remember the excessive geocities address, please use instead. Thanks for visiting.

-==> anarchist faq.
-==> noam chomsky.
-==> amusing quotes.
-==> school.
*NEW* school also.
*NEW* political theory.
*NEW* roaches.
-==> more resources.
-==> sign guestbook.
-==> view guestbook.

Please, if you have anything interesting you would like added to this page, I would appreciate it, this page will never grow without your support. Thanks.

Join the anarchy-list, mail [email protected] with subscribe in the body.

Thanks go out to del, for getting me interested in Anarchism.

Send me your suggestions.

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