Zionism and the Lobby/Propaganda

The United States, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, and other states are victims of Zionism. The United States is a mouthpiece for Zionism, which goes against what Abraham Lincoln said "government for the people and by the people." American Jews, as part of the population, should serve the government. However, they should not support Zionism or any cause that goes against the principles set down by the founding fathers of the American constitution.  Indyk who is assistant secretary of state aided Israel in the 1973 war and lived there. How does this aid US policy to be fair in the region?

The Jewish people are influential in the United States. They are prominent directors and actors in Hollywood. They are prolific in Congress, the ACLU, and the White House. We do not object to their presence; the abuses some commit when they encourage anti-Arab feeling such as Congressman Gilman who slammed the state of Syria.  Also, Hala Maksoud and others complained that the US Congress does not hear the Arab Americans in hearings and excludes them while hearing Jews and anti-Arabs.  

Why can not the world touch Israel? There is also the memory of the holocaust, which was used to help justify the creation of the state of Eretz Yisrael at the expense of the Arabs. It should be noted that the Zionist movement intended to form a state prior to the holocaust and the holocaust aided the justification of displacing Palestinians. A wrong committed vis-à-vis the Ashkenazim Jews would be "rectified" by displacing the Palestinians and the former oppressed peoples turned into oppressors and occupiers.

Democracy is endangered when the AIPAC or American Israeli Public Affairs Committee uses money to manipulate elections in the US. Their spending is not accounted for either. Due to their interference in South Carolina, Jesse Helms was involved in one of the most expensive campaigns. He questioned foreign aid. Later he was seen in Israel wearing a yarmulke. Bill Clinton also wore his yarmulke. Truman also supported the partition of Palestine in 1947 for many internal political reasons and recognized Israel prior to the UN.

During WWI, the Zionist movement had a role in the war. Yes, it is true and research can bear this truth out. Chaim Weizman, Zionist president, developed a chemical that the British needed to help further the conflict. The Zionists would benefit from an ally victory because it would involve the provinces of the Ottoman Turkish especially Palestine.

Chaim Weizmann even presented a map in 1919, in Versailles, that showed all of Palestine, a part of Jordan, the Golan Heights, parts of Lebanon, that included vital Litani river. The French president, Clemenceau, objected to this since it involved the colonies of Syria and Lebanon. Another important point to take into consideration is that British government leader Lloyd George once worked with the Zionist lobby before taking his place in British leadership. He obviously forgot his ideas of liberalism and justice.

Zionism involves the promotion of a sectarian, racist ideology that involves the supremacy of Jews over other people. It clothes itself in the Jewish religion, but it certainly does not go in accord with the words of the prophet Isaiah when he said "Peace is the fruit of justice". There is no justice in saying lies such as "a land without a people for a people without a land." This means there were no Palestinians. Also Zionist writers made it as if the land was all desert and they made it bloom. The poet George Sandys said it was a land flowing with milk and honey". Only the south is a desert. It also indicated in propaganda that Palestinians were recent immigrants. This is the grotesque face of Zionism. Zionist are encouraging negative publicity vis-à-vis the Jewish people and accuse people of anti-Semiticism when they question the actions of Israel. See as one reference Edward Said’s "Blaming the Victims".

Israeli claims on Palestine

Do the Israelis have a right to claim Palestine? Israelis often speak of it being Jewish land? The reason being Israelite presence on the land 1,500+ years ago. Well, the Phillistines, Canaanites, Greeks, and Romans lived there in the land prior to them. Since the Phillistines came from Greece, does Greece have a right to Palestine? One could argue Greece has a more legitimate claim. Having your people in a land a few thousand years ago does not entitle a claim.

Often, it is stated that Arabs came only with Islam. This is utterly false. The Nabataens who were related to Arabic tribes of Mohamed the prophet   lived in parts of southern and northern Palestine and controlled those areas until the Romans conquered the area. It was not Jews who controlled the whole of Palestine when the Romans came according to history. Also, many of the Arabs in Palestine also trace to the Ghassasanid Christians and many them are today Greek Catholics or Orthodox.

Certain Jews state that no artifacts spoke of ancient Palestinians and the Romans gave that appellation. The Phillistines did not have the Romans call them that name. Also, it was Herodotus the father of Greek history who used the name Syria-Palestine in the region prior to the appearance of the Romans, rendering false many Jewish propaganda they have been led to believe. Palestine was also known as the land of Canaan. The Palestinians are Arab speaking people who are a mixture of Greeks, Phillistines, Arameans, Canaanites, Arabs, Crusaders, Romans, Edomites, Amorites, Hittites, Armenians, Persians, and Turkish. A Palestinian does not indicate a religious affiliation of one kind, while Jews indicate only one religious group.

What gives the Jews more legitimacy than Palestinians who have been there for thousands of years mixing on the land rather than living in Berber lands in North Africa, Europe, Africa etc….? It seems ironic that Jews would question the legitimacy of Palestinians to the land because they speak Arabic. It does not change that they are a mixture of various tribes. The people of Holland are largely of Celtic origin but speak a Germanic language.

Israelis use a religious claim. We reject the use of sectarianism to displace our peoples. Many Zionists were not religious and needed to justify how they could take Palestine. They used the religious claim to aid that, while some did genuinely want to go for religious reasons many of the leaders did not and felt it would be a way of legitimizing their presence. Many Zionists were thinking of living in Uganda and quarreled over that. The ancient Jews also justified many things in the name of God. They justified ethnic cleansing Canaanites. The Old Testament mentions killing men, women, children and even the animals that belonged to the Canaanites.

Let us read some of what Joshua an Israelite claimed in the name of God. "Shout! For the Lord has given you the city. The city and all that is in it shall be devoted to the Lord for destruction. Only Rahab the prostitute and all who are with her in her house shall live because she hid the messengers we sent. As for you, keep away from the things devoted to destruction, so as not to covet and take any of the devoted things and make the camp of Israel an object for destruction, bringing trouble upon it. But all silver and gold, and vessels of bronze and iron, are sacred to the Lord: they shall go into the treasury of the Lord." So the people shouted, and the trumpets were blown. As soon as the people heard the sound of the trumpets, they raised a great shout, and the wall fell down flat; so the people charged straight ahead into the city and captured it. Then they devoted to destruction by the edge of the sword all in the city, both men and women, young and old, oxen, sheep, and donkeys." Joshua 6: 16-21. (Military take over of Jericho)

Joshua claimed the Lord ordered things that are analogous to what Adolf Hitler claimed his Teutonic or ancient Aryan religious beliefs commanded. Why condemn the holocaust, if this part of the Old Testament is used? We condemn it and ask for people who speak of the holocaust to tell us of this verse and God’s claims. Also, the Canaanite Jebusites of Jerusalem believed in a God and were traders and did not engage in such activities.

Let us look at another part of the Torah since Israelis want to use religious claims and twist God to suit their nefarious purposes.

"When the Lord your God brings you into the land that you are about to enter and occupy, and he clears away many nations before you—the Hittites, the Girgashites, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites, seven nations mightier and more numerous than you—and when the Lord gives you over to you and you defeat them, you must utterly destroy them. Make no covenant with them and show them no mercy. Do not intermarry with them, giving your daughters to their sons or taking their daughters for your sons, for that would turn away your children from following me, to serve other gods. Then the anger of the Lord would be kindled against you, and he would destroy you quickly. But that is how you must deal with them: break down their altars, hew down their sacred poles, and burn their idols with fire. For you are a people holy to the Lord your God; the Lord your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the earth to be his people, his treasured possessions. Deuterotemy 7: 1-7 (A Chosen People)

There is a serious problem when one analyzes this religious text. The Jews continually speak of the holocaust in documentaries and newspapers in the world, but is this not a holocaust? They use the holocaust to encourage sympathy for their presence in our lands and dispossessing and state to us that God would approve of such a thing. It is not different than Hitler’s actions, so they must examine their consciences. Palestine prior to the foundation of Israel had Muslims, Christians, Druze, and Jews co-existing.

This verse about the chosen people contradicts one of the Ten Commandments of Moses that says "Thou shall not kill". Does it mean that thou shall not kill Jews or all human beings, is what an enlightened person should ask? One could deduce that it seems just by observing modern Israeli behavior that non-Jews are outside moral considerations. Another matter that does not make sense is stating not marrying outside your group. That would one create a genetic disease, which has appeared among some Hasidic Jews and contradicts early Jewish history, which involved mixing with other races. We caution the use of religions to oppress people.

Finally, let us look where the Hebrews originated since they question Palestinian roots and ties to the land. The story is that in the 18th century B.C.E there appeared in the Fertile Crescent area gangs that engaged in stealing, killing, and they were known as the Apiru. They were a mixture Hittites, Horrites, Bedouins etc… They came from behind the mountains and rivers that surrounded the Fertile Crescent. The name changed to Hebrew after the Hebrews already settled in Egypt. Abraham, the patriarch, was of Amorite descent living in UR in modern Iraq and was originally from Palestine.

When Abraham lived in Palestine and bought land to bury his wife, the Hebrews did not exist in name. The first person to be called Israel was Jacob. Israel means soldier of God and sons of Jacob. They left according to the Old Testament stories to Egypt where they were later favored because of Joseph. Later, for some reason they fell out of favor and later had a servile status, but that status can not be compared to the status of the Helots who were slaves to the Spartans in Greece. The stories are exaggerated. Study the Helots and compare. Moses (Moshe) was supposedly a Hebrew and according to the stories he was adopted by the Pharaohs. The Helots would never be adopted in ancient Greece. What happened in Egypt is difficult to say. It is axiomatic that the victors write history and try to suit it to their purposes.




























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