News Room of the An Lárach hÉireannach
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NEWS FOR 13 JULY, 1999



Synopsis by the NEWSROOM
Wednesday, 28 October, 1998

 Various members of Shame Féin have accused Unionist Party leader and North’s First Minister David Trimble of not fulfilling his pledge by excluding Shame Féin from the government.

Mr. Trimble apparently believes that no one from Shame Féin should be allowed in the sell-out ’98 government until IRA disbandment, which, in itself is a contradiction in terms.  Think about it: what would they use to threaten true Republicans with?  Obviously the old scheme of using nail-studded baseball bats is eventually not going to work.

Also in the muck, our buddy Martin McGuinness will be mewling about the whole issue as well, giving his two cents worth of trifle in an article to be published tomorrow.  In it he says:

 “…this process is certainly not moving forward at present.”

Apparently our friend McGuinness has had his head in a place where the sun doesn’t shine because he’d know that this “process” of “peace” has never moved forward nor will it ever.  Also in the article he writes:

“We have stretched the Irish Republican constituency to the limit in the process and not without taking damage… The Republican constituency can go no further.”

Very true, Martin, but this is really nothing new.  I don’t think you or Shame Féin have the right to call yourselves Republicans ever since 1986.  Don’t you remember the ideal and creed of abstentionism- perhaps one of the most important Republican ideals this part of the century?

Apparently Sinn Féin can dish out the pointing finger, but are they prepared to take when this “agreement” of a sell out fumbles?




Synopsis by the NEWSROOM
Sunday, 13 September, 1998

On Tuesday, September 2nd, groups of Provos, ordered by the Army Council, visited the homes of 60 individuals of the Real IRA to deliver threats if they did not disband within a fortnight.  According to sources, two unmasked men were assigned to an area to deliver the threats.  It has also been stated that not only Real IRA members were threatened, but also members of the Sovereignty Movement itself. 

One of the men threatened said, “the two men who called to my door said the Real IRA had no right to exist and accused it of misappropriating weapons.  At other houses, members of the Sovereignty Movement were told they had no right to speak of the ‘peace process.’  Some were simply warned ‘action’ would be taken against [them] if they didn’t make amends within a fortnight, others were told they would be shot…” 

Other True Republicans held a meeting Thursday night to discuss their options and are taking the threats seriously.  Some are prepared to defend themselves. 

A Movement member pointed out the these neo-Loyalist death threats violated the Mitchell Principals of non-violence which Sinn Féin had signed with fallen Republicans’ blood. 

However, the Provies might not have to go about their threats with the new Draconian anti-terrorist legislation that was due to go through both Irish and English Parliaments Thursday, September 3rd.  The legislation is designed to make things easier to convict those belonging to ‘illegal’ terrorist organizations.  Police on both sides of the border claim they know whom the ‘ringleaders’ are and say they are going to arrest them, though they haven’t done anything yet. 

Also, Peter King, a U.S. Congressman travelling with Slick Willie, has meanwhile confirmed that the U.S. Justice Department is preparing to crack down on those raising money for ‘dissidents’ in America.



Synopsis by the NEWSROOM
Sunday, 13 September, 1998

To avoid any violent confrontations, the 32 County Sovereignty Committee has urged the Provos to lift the threats made earlier this month.  The Provos had warned members of both Óglaigh na Éireann and the 32 County Sovereignty Committee on the night of the 2nd of September saying that “action would be taken” if there was not cessation of arms within a fortnight.  In some cases there was violence on night the threats were made.  A 66 year-old man and his wife were injured and a woman chased the two fascist neo-Loyalist men from her home. 

About 20 of the 60 people threatened have made affidavits to solicitors naming the men that were involved in the threats.  Provisional sources still refuse to comment on anything. 

An Ulster member of Republican Sinn Féin has stated that the threats were “the proof of the Provisionals’ [and Sinn Féin’s] role as the new Stormont death squads.”  Many True Republicans are pleading others to not bend to the threats and to prepare to protect themselves. 

A statement made by the Sovereignty Movement said: “We publicly call upon the Provisional IRA and Óglaigh na hÉireann to refrain from taking action against fellow republicans.  Such actions can only serve British interests and help the British prolong their rule in Ireland… It said it was disturbing that when decommissioning and a virtual declaration that the war was over were demanded by the British government, threats were then made against “true opponents of British rule”. 

It said such threats had “apparently been made” without fear that Sinn Féin would be expelled from the new administration.




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Be sure to write and thank them!!!
Last updated:
13 July, 1999
11.47 P.M. MDT

Since February 1998
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Dear Readers-
My sincerest apologies on the poor job of news up keep.  Things have been busy lately.  I am considering taking down the newsroom, but apparently, there are still die-hard visitors that come by here.  Also the few and far between articles that I get a chance to write are almost as funny to me as I write them as I'd hope they'd come off as being to you as you read them.  Let me know by e mailing me what you think the destiny of the newsroom should be at [email protected].  Articles are welcome as well if they are well wrtten and to the facts -  slightly sardonic pieces such as above are more than welcome.  Slán go fóill. -Riobárd.
-Posted 29.4.99

Éireann gan saoirse ní bheith sé ag síocháin riamh!!

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