Go Back?     One Nation Under God                                Go Away?
Fore feel the revolution, feel the power and the denial of the government. 
Watch the republicans run to the democrats and watch the democrats mock and
play games while the independents look for a place to run. We all are looking
for someone to blame but the only one to blame is ourselves, we all are at fault.
We all are the cause but we can't admit that we can't accept our faults that would
be wrong not only wrong ,but morally wrong, in correct to accept who we really
are, to accept that we are nothing but animals another mammal in this grande
universe in this empty black hole this molecule on the toenail of a even 
larger, smarter, blood thirsty beast on that same beast with the same problems
of denial of thinking we are better, that we are the best and nothing better
that we are the chosen one looking for a thing bigger to worship, so it will
let us run and hide to when we find out that we really are not the best
that we are nothing but a damned dumb animal snarling at those that don't
do what we do, and eventually pick up on it. Because we like it and find
that it is true but then turn around and don't like it because, others see
what we are doing and see that we are falling back. They see it because they
are pitiful and can not achieve it themselves so the mock everyone and make
everyone regret what they have done because they can't do it, but we don't
need to mock them because they are already fools looking for the mistakes of 
others, and not releaseing their own talents onto the world, to make it a better
place for themselves who feel that we are better to reassure us that
we are not animals to reassure us that we can do anything thing.
But everything we do has a equal or opposite reaction we must expect the
unexpected but we should expect the unexpected because we have created the 
unexpected, by allowing ourselves to destroy to create the impossible to
unlock the secrets of life it all comes with that hefty price of pardoras 
box to unleash hell only to find one thing called hope but what is hope
what is that hope? To be able to go that extra mile, to fly higher,
to go faster, to be better only to destroy everything around us to wipe
out what we had to be better but you won't be better only at blame because
you have destroyed what was there and it will never be the same you have taken 
and only given back to yourself, you take away from others to give what you have taken.
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