The Hat Conspiracy


  Over my years of observation and my own tests I have learned the hat bring with it's ability to block the sun and give the so acclaimed look it also bring violence and hatred to the wearer. It does this by either 1 or 2 things. The first would be the subliminal message involved in wearing an hat. Most or all soldiers in every war has worn an hat or some sorts what do soldiers do? "...KILL..." This subliminal message is also found in sports commercials i.e.; Nike,Gatorade,ect.. it has to do with the win or die attitude. The physical part of this has to do with the way an person wears an hats on his or her head. I'm guessing  that it cuts off or slows some of the blood vessels in a persons head then causes an chain reaction tat shuts off the part of the brain that causes an person to reason. These shut offs can be proven  with the addiction that people find in wearing an hat.

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