Mabey I should blow up South America, The Middle East, France, England, The former Soviet Union, Germany, Mexico, 36 U.S. States, China, South East Asia, and Canada. Then contact the remaining powers of the world and tell them that is just an taste of my true power so give me all of your stuff. They all deserve it right? But who am I to judge let alone who is to judge The President, God (if there is a god?), the people of the world, the people of the universe, a judge? None of them. The only person who should judge your actions is yourself. But that would be Anarchy. But Anarchy is not relevant at this time nor for my children or my children's children. People are not ready for life without control the world would go into the toilet in no time what so ever. The Vietnam war I might add would be like an moist towellet on a hot summer day compared to the chaos the would fill the streets avas overflowing with fire and shots causing an river of blood that would drown the survivors of hell on earth. Then history would repeat itself and people would have to reinvent them selves of course with the helping hand of mother nature.
 With the control of money and false gods created to cradle the fears of mankind and give that false sense of security that we all apparently long for so so dearly but it does give us the structure of right and wrong and rules that we were all born into. How do we not know if those rules are backwards or if they are just the thoughts of an madman such as myself there I judging again or not an madman an mad woman in "PC" terms or an God an true God born of wind, fire, water, and earth but wasn't the human race and all other existence on this planet born of that? Doesn't that solve an riddle of the ages. But what all my lingering off the subject equals up to is we would end right back to where we are now. Mabey beyond that mabey to the point of utopia that I mentioned that we all would be able and stable enough to live on our own rules peacefully in a 20th century idealism sensibility. The peaceful Anarchy is an dream I hold and mabey someday not an dream but an reality.
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