I remember when I finally turned 16 going down and registering for the draft and filling out a form for a Social Security number. When I received the card, I thought that was big stuff. At that time it was the thing to do. We thought that we had to acquire a Social Security number, after all, Mom and Dad said we did. The news media said we, we did. Didn't have to question people back then reason being we believed everything we heard as the truth. There was virtually no reason not to believe. As time continued on and with this drive I have of a compelling desire to seek the truth, I did just that.

TITLE 26 USC SECTION 3101 is the Federal Insurance Contribution Act (F.I.C.A.) or the Social Security Act. Funny, that the word INSURANCE as far I can see only appears one time and that is in the beginning of the code. Thereafter the word TAX is mentioned throughout the rest of the section. Now once again reverting back to the IRS Deception page, remember Title 26 USC is NOT positive law and therefore only pertains to certain persons. Who are those certain persons?...right federal Government employees.

Now then to proceed forward, as I stated, a person when I was growing up, did not have to have a Social Security Number (hereafter SSN), until his or hers sixteenth birthday, or at least that is what we thought. Actually we did not need the damn thing at all. Today one is required to have a SSN at birth according to IRS Code or shortly thereafter. The hospital where a child is born will now galdly that is if you sign on the dotted line, secure this card for you. It states in this form that you may request the hospital to take care of this matter if you authorize them to do so by means of your signature. I does NOT say it is mandatory.

The most important thing to remember here is that Social Security is a voluntary system. If a person wishes to receive a SSN he/she must make application for it by means of a form SS-5. This is so stated in TITLE 20 CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATION, SECTION 422.103 (hereafter CFR). You can click on the preceeding CFR and that will take you to the search site. Scroll down to the search site and type in the exact title and section and it will take to to Title 20 CFR, Section 422.103. If one fails to make application for a number then the Social Security Administration will not assign said SSN to you. Therefore, that which is voluntary in nature cannot also be mandatory. Now if it were mandatory then we would be assigned a number. If we must apply for the number then it must be voluntary. Upon examination of the U.S. Constitution, it reveals no powers granted to Congress to compel a person to perform a voluntary act.

I have several letters from the Social Security Administration stating that there is no law requiring a person to have a SSN. I might add here and this still upsets me that in the Oklahoma City Bombing of the Murrah Federal Building, the news reported that a Mother and her new born baby went to Social Security Administration located in the Murrah building to apply for a SSN for her baby. The baby did not survive. Had the Mother known the truth, this tragedy would have never occurred. So sad.

One thing is for sure, if you have a SSN, there are ways for you to return that SSN back to the Social Security Administration. The problem is I believe that one cannot dissociate themself from said number once you have it. There are various sites on the web on how to return the card and they will take it back, however, it is the Administration's number and not yours anyway but that number no matter what will always be linked to your name.

In these days and times it seems that you can't do anything without giving the number to various agencies whether it be governmental or private sector. TITLE 5 SECTION 552(a) is the Privacy Act of 1974. If you will scroll down towards the bottom of the document you will notice Disclosure of Social Security Numbers, Section 7 of Publication L. 93-579.

As I stated in some of my other deception pages there is a multitude of information on this world wide web which is relative. Some of it to the point some not. There is a great site in respect to the Social Security deception called THE NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR NON-ENUMERATION. I also have a link to this site on my more deceptions page.

As the days go by, more and more of the private sector and various agencies of the several states have been tricked into believing that federal law requires them to demand your social security number for just about eveything you do. This is a shame that these people can't take the time to read the publications and law pertaining to this bogus demand. Most of the time you will get into a knock down fight trying to explain to various people that the social security number is voluntary. You will probably be wasting your time and energy doing this and even with the law inhand it won't make any difference to them. One must decide which means more to them, i.e. give them what they want or go somewhere else. I'll be back.


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