As was stated in my Constitutional Deception page the Constitution of the united States of America, hereafter the Fed Constitution, defined the meaning of the united states and the tenth Amendment to that same constitution also defined the united states. It is my opinion since many people have not read the Fed Constitution, they did not understand who the people were that they should take their grievances to. Instead of taking these said grievances to their county in which they resided in they took these grievances to the Federal Government.

The Fed's have very little jurisdiction (if you read the Constitution) in repect to the several states. Somewhere along the line they gained jurisdiction within the several states by the pure fact that we the people allowed this to happen. Seems like people want someone else to take care of them.

One way the Fed's gained jurisdiction within the several states was to dangle monies in the face of the elected officials. Sure they took the monies, but now what happens. The Fed's said if we are to give you (several states) monies then we are going to tell you what you can do and can't do. I might add that most of the monies they were to give us back was our own monies. Hence the matching funds was born, however the matching were far from matching. To give you a example, the Fed's came into the several states and said...tell you what we'll do. We'll run your state parks for you. We'll charge a dollar for admission and we will keep seventy-five cents and you will receive a quarter. I guess whom ever okayed this contract seemed to think that was fair. What I don't understand is, were the people that authorized this on drugs or something? Each of the several states could have run the operation themselves, and kept ALL OF THE MONIES.



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