Read This First!

Read This First!

'Sup? Here's the shakedown on Goodbye ROTC: The Anti-ROTC Resource Page:

I've been updating all facets of the website over the last few months(most recently 17 May 2003). The design remains the same, but outdated information has been replaced with more up-to-date material and broken links have been removed. The purpose of this site remains the same. It is a clearinghouse of available on-line information for activists opposed to ROTC and JROTC. In addition to activists, high-school and college-aged students who are looking for alternative sources of information beyond ROTC recruitment advertisements should find this site useful. If you surfed on here by accident, welcome.

This site has been in existence since 1996. A lot has changed over the last few years, as more and more peace organizations have begun to utilize the possibilities of the internet to get the word out. Of course, the more things change, the more they remain the same. The military is still trying to militarize our schools and to exploit those of us who are ethnic minorities, low income, or both. One could easily argue that the situation has become worse in the aftermath of 9-11, with the government aggressively pushing ROTC in the high schools and colleges under the ruse of "homeland security." Given the recent illegal war against Iraq, I can only imagine the government becoming more aggressive in its efforts to push ROTC/JROTC. The good news is that we don't have to let that happen, and it is still within our Constitutional rights (for the time being any way) to speak out. The anti-war protests that have exploded in recent weeks suggest that there are plenty of people who are receptive to our message. The other good news is that there are plenty of sources of funding for college for those whose families are struggling to make it financially. Check out the resources.

The usual disclaimer info: The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of Geocities and/or the webmaster of this site. All factual claims are exclusively the responsibility of the authors and organizations appearing in this site.

Check out this featured site: It's loaded with information and opinions collected from a variety of mainstream and alternative resources, for those of us who want the lowdown on the Bush Regime and its warmongering. Also check out our new page of anti-war resources.

I also strongly recommend Michael Moore's website. Well worth repeated visits.

The image at the top of the index page comes from The Propaganda Remix Project. There are tons of great posters there. Make sure to pay a visit!

And to quote a line from DJ Spooky's "Optometry" album: "A mind closed up is like a parachute -- useless." Open your mind up to the peaceful alternatives. They do exist.

That's all for now. More updates to come as time permits. Now go back to the main index page, and check it out. Peace. 1

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