Welcome to my Union Pages

These pages are about unions and what they mean to us in the workforce. As I am Canadian I will be using my experience as a Union Member but with a Canadian slant. I will have some common terms used in the union language, have a whole bunch of informative links and have a page dedicated as to how you can make your union work for you by becoming an active and/or informed member.

My Union History

I have been directly involved with unions for many years. I grew up in a labour family. My father acted as Secretary for his Teamsters Local for many years as well as acting as a Shop Steward for Long Haul Drivers at his workplace. My mother was also involved with her union with Manitoba Telephone System. I can't remember which as they had two unions representing workers at her workplace. As you may imagine, I grew up learning about collective agreements, labour laws, seniority, overtime, etc. Actually when I entered the workforce it was quite confusing because I had to try and define what was actual labour law and what was a condition of a collective agreement, such as seniority.

I started working for the local hospital when I was 16. This hospital wasn't unionized. Because we were an accredited government owned hospital there were many benefits and pay schedules that for a non unionized workplace were excellent. However, we did not have seniority rights or protection against unfair disciplinary actions. I had an excellent work record and after being turned down for a job change within the hospital so that the Director Of Nursing's daughter could get the job and after watching unfair or unreasonable discipline action being taken against my co-workers I figured that we need union representation. Even though the time wasn't right to try an organizing drive I did investigate which union would be best for my workplace. I contacted the President of the Manitoba Teamster's local, whom I had known since I was a child and he gave me a few hints. I checked out UFCW, MGEU and CUPE. About 2 years after this a couple of co-workers called me one day and said that it was time. A call was made to CUPE and 3 months later my hospital was a certified CUPE Local, representing Nurses Aides, Orderlies, Ward Clerks and C.S.R. attendants.

After this I was voted in as President of this local. I also was on the Negotiation Committee, and attended Pay Equity meeting with CUPE representing my Local.

I eventually left this hospital and a few years later was working at a private nursing home. Here I was elected Treasurer and acted as a Shop Steward. I also took some training classes through CUPE to increase my knowledge of unions in general and in particular CUPE. Within this Local, I had my hand involved in secretarial and the Presidency as with any health care workplace (especially private nursing homes) there is a high turn over in staff. We had our Secretary and President leave at the same time and the V.President was out on sick leave, so for approximately a month I was the only Member to represent the Executive Committee.

I left that nursing home to go and work for another government health agency. Here I was in Shop Steward training and I also the Workplace Safety and Health representative of my Local on the Employer/Union committee.

Well, as things go I left that employer and am working in a hospital that is represented by the UFCW. This is quite a switch for me and I'm finding it very interesting. At present I've only been here for a short time and once I stop casualing over the whole hospital and settle in one department I will also become involved with this union as I believe strongly in being involved with people who are taking my money as dues and who are trying to make my working environment a better place.

In time I hope to have a page set up of Union Stories. You know, those funny or memorable stories of people doing union business. With this I will need your help. If you have a funny, moving or memorable story regarding your experience or someone you know, please email me with it. I will compile these stories and build a page out them. I know that there are some doozies out there!

Random Acts of Kindness Labour Day

Visit this site made especially for Labour Day.

Thank you for visiting this site on Labour. I will be updating it as I make new backgrounds and some buttons and as my information grows. In the meantime, please feel free to email me with your suggestions.

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