Welcome to Bill's Farewell to Moscow, June 1999!

Here are some pictures of some of the folks I worked with in the Moscow office. We had a lot of challenges and a lot of fun during the three years I worked in Moscow!

At the end there are couple of pictures of a going-away get together we had, the last picture before we left Russia, and my going-away email to all my friends in the Moscow office. Living and working in Moscow was one of the most incredible experiences of my life!!

Links to our other pages

Click here for a historical description and pictures of the dacha compound where we live in Moscow!

Bill's Political Page
Bill & Peggy's Excellent Adventure in Moscow!

Nadia, Alex and Olga share a happy moment before they take on the evil warlords of oil transportation.

Igor and Olga smile because they know I have to treat them nicely if I ever expect our stuff to show up in America!! (just kidding!!)

Irene gives me a smile of pity because she knows that I have messed up every single HR form I have ever filled out!

Sveta, Valery and Lena (the three musketeers) will solve any problem, any time!

Kirill contemplates an overthrow of Microsoft!

Ludmilla enjoys her great view, especially because she knows that mine was of a brick wall.

Mikle and Marina pretend to associate with the local Maralin's restaurant mafia thug. You can tell he's a mafia thug by his poor taste in clothes!!

We're all happy here because Jamal promised not to tell any more stupid jokes, like the "brass rat", or "S-car".

The drivers are always ready and willing to take on the infamous Moscow traffic.

Our last hours in Moscow. Our maid Masha and her husband Edward say goodbye to us in the traditional Russian way, including champagne, chocolate, and making us sit quietly in one place for a couple of minutes before we left. We were also told that if we forgot something we would have to run around the car three times before we left!

My going-away email to my friends in the Moscow office:

June 30, 1999.

Peggy and I will be moving back to the states tomorrow, and since I may not see all of you before I go I wanted to send out an email to say goodbye.

My first thoughts are that there has been too many of these going away messages lately!! However, we have to realize that business changes, markets change, and we have to be flexible in our structure to react and take advantage of these changes. Of course for me it's not so bad because I will continue to support the NT project from Houston - you can't get rid of me that easily!

Overall it has been an excellent three years living in Moscow, and my experience here is something I will always look back on and appreciate the rest of my life. I have been traveling to Russia and Moscow since 1991 when I was supporting the commercial efforts for Polar Lights, however, the last three years living here and working with all of you have been the most enjoyable and fulfilling for me. I will especially remember the experiences of traveling to Ark (warning, don't get into an ice-sliding competition with Jamal!) and Naryan Mar (if you haven't been to the Naryan Mar Social Security office for dinner, you haven't lived!), not to mention the unbelievable trips that we took with the sports club members to St. Petersburg and recently, Dagamus.

The message I would most like to leave with you is a message of thanks. I thank you for letting me live in your country and experience your culture. I thank you for letting me into your lives and making me feel like I was a part of your family. Most of you that know me well know that I'm a lover of history, and so I thank you for letting me experience your history through all of your wonderful monuments and museums, and I also thank you for letting me make a contribution, although small, to your history through my participation in the development of the PLC and NT projects.

The last thing I would like to leave you with is a quote from my favorite General who was saying goodbye to all of the people he worked with after he was removed from his position and sent back to the states. I chose this quote because I think that it's a great representation of my feelings right now. He said, "All good things must come to an end. One of the greatest experiences of my life has been the honor, and the privilege, of working with all of you".

I wish you all the best.

Send me an email if you want to know more!!

Bill Corbridge � 1997 @ [email protected]

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