
Welcome to Christy Holmes' trip to Moscow in January 1998!!

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The following pictures are from when Christy Holmes visited us in Moscow this January. You have to give her credit for having the guts to do this for several reasons. First, we're talking January in Moscow!! Anyone in their right mind who has ever heard about Russian winters would know that this is not the best time to vacation in Moscow! Secondly, getting through customs at the airport with the agents in military uniforms staring you down is not a pleasant experience, and Christy had to endure this by herself!

Christy certainly had the guts to endure all of this just to visit us here in Moscow. We are hoping that some of our other friends will get up the nerve to do the same. Really though, it's not all that bad!

Yes, Toto, it appears that we are no longer in Kansas!

This is the Nova Divinchi Monistary. Starting to look a little cold!

Peggy and Christy at Victory Park. They told me that if I didn't get them out of the cold soon, they would do the same thing to me!

Christ the Savior church. This was destroyed by Stalin in the 50's and just recently completely rebuilt. The inside is still not finished.

Taking a break on a bench! Can it get any colder?!

Cemetary at Nova Divinchy Monistary. Some very famous dead people are buried here!

I'm sure we can start this thing up! Do you think it has a heater?

Red Square. A famous dead guy is on display in the building on the right. On the left is the famous GUM department store where they used to wait in line for Levis! Straight ahead is St Basils.

It is definately too cold to walk over to the church behind us! Bill, get us out of here or you're dead!

Crossing this thing? Piece of cake!!

OH $#&@!

Send me an email if you want to know more!!

Bill Corbridge � 1997 @ [email protected]

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