Living in Australia

was developed in direct response to the Deliverance internet site, which actively promotes patient killing.

Deliverance is about the politics of death, and promotes its deadly agenda with all the gloss and hype of a US style Presidential campaign. This site is an attempt to even up the politics of death by providing information and resources about living in Australia, without the need for deadly Deliverance.

I have no doubt this site will recieve only a fraction of the visitors the Deliverance site will attract. Dr Phillip Nitschke has seen to that by ensuring deaths under the Northern Territory's Rights of the Terminally Ill Act are announced exclusively via the Deliverance site. This ensures anyone seeking news about such deaths first has to look at the Deliverance site's exhortion to donate money. Coincidence, I'm sure.

Please browse through this resource carefully, especially if you are terminally ill, or care for someone who is. The information contained will give you a fresh perspective on what can be done to ensure a comfortable, happy and fulfilling time for people who's time to enjoy life is short.

David Moss.

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