Hats off to...

The USA for

J.F. Kennedy

He wanted to do it right: his international popularity was such that it was not unusual to see his picture hung in homes around the world.


Let's not forget his brother, Bobby Kennedy, who also gave his life for an America where everyone would one day be equal.

They were in the forefront of the Civil Rights Movement. They dignified it and legitimized it.

Martin Luther King,

Harry bellafonte,

& Mohammed Ali

(We all want to laugh, dream, sing, and have fun together with them.) These men are the very best of men.

President Clinton &

Bill Gates

( The Billy Duo: their youthful, confident smile is reassuring.) America is lucky to have such fine, outstanding men.

Ted Turner, a peace hero

Your $1,000,000,000 donation to the U.N. gives the world hope that there soon will be no more wars on our planet.

You are, Sir, truly a peacemaker. Blessed be the peacemakers.

Larry Flynt

I like you and your honesty: butt pornography and free speech are NOT bedfellows. ;-)

For my views on porn, click here.


Love you & your show: it's entertaining social commentary, good literature with a twist. Congrats!

Not to mention that you are a very attractive woman who is taking TV programs down the road less trodden by having fun with the medium. You are one of my litterateur heroines and a world-class member of the letteratti in my opinion.

Father Thomas Merton

His spiritual quest lead him from the shores of England to Europe and eventually the the shores of United States of America where he attended Cornell university.

He eventually became an American trappist spiritual director and anti-war activist. (Incidentally, his brother was killed in World War II after being quickly trained in Canada. He only saw him in New York very briefly before heading to Winnepeg, Manitoba to be trained as a war pilot.)


His reflections brought him to the realization that the goal of all spiritually was to become buddhalike (i.e. an independent being like Job who demonstrated this quality by his crying out in defiance to God near the end of the Book of Job in the Old Testament). Thus, he was able to authenticate and reconcile both Occidental and Oriental forms of spirituality by recognizing that they both lead to the same point but by a different path.

To Father Thomas Merton's great credit, he denounced the Vietnam war as unjust and wasteful in his correspondence to those on Capitol Hill.


Like Lady Diana and Mother Teresa, he was not afraid to challenge "the Establishment" though it would inevitably cost him his life.

He is truly a martyr for world peace and world unity whose life is emblematic of his authentic catholicity.

He truly is a great American... and an extraordinary harbinger of postmodernism.


About his spiritual legacy, click here.





Nuestra señora de Guadalupe,

ruega por nosotros,

los Americanos.

Updated: January 17, 1999

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