January 24, 2000


CUPE launches country-wide Health Care Campaign

On January 23, 2000, CUPE leaders from across the country assembled in Ottawa to decide a course of action for the first phase of CUPE's country-wide campaign to rebuild Canada's public health care system.

CUPE already has a major campaign underway in Alberta to defeat Premier Klein's proposed legislation allowing private hospitals to operate within the public health care system - and using public dollars to maximize profit.

However, a country-wide mobilization in support of public health care is also critical.

To complement the tremendous efforts by CUPE members in Alberta, it was agreed that the following key actions would be undertaken across the country between now and March 2000 in support of two key objectives:

  1. The defeat of Premier Klein's proposed legislation allowing for private hospitals to operate within the public health care system in Alberta; and
  2. A major increase in federal funding for health care in this year's (2000-2001) federal budget.


  1. Today: Spread the word of this campaign

    This campaign is intended to engage as many CUPE members as possible. We need to involve CUPE members working in every jurisdiction, in every province.

    Every CUPE mailing list, every CUPE fax list, every CUPE e-mail list, every CUPE network must be used to get word out about the campaign.

    Copy the contents of today's FastFACTS and distributed as far and wide as possible.

  2. As soon as possible: Dispatch "ambulances" to Alberta

    Two CUPE ambulances, driven and staffed by CUPE members, will travel across the country on a "whistle-stop" tour intended to alert Canadians from coast to coast of the threat that Alberta's legislation represents to public health care.

    One ambulance will head for Alberta from the Atlantic coast, and one will start from the Pacific.

    An ambulance tour coordinator in each province will be appointed to assist with the tour. All sectors within CUPE will be called on to support the tour and participate in local mobilizing efforts.

  3. February 3rd: Meeting of Provincial Premiers in Quebec City

    Health care funding will be a major topic of discussion at this meeting. To encourage a strong statement by the Premiers in support of more federal money for health care in the next federal budget, we will do the following:

  4. February 7th: Federal Parliament Resumes

    CUPE will work with the Canadian Health Coalition to draw attention to the issue of health care on this day.

    Again, CUPE's ambulance could be helpful in getting attention on this day.

    Also, the Canadian Health Coalition may be organizing events in other communities on this day. More information to come in next few days.

  5. Februrary 8th: Release of CUPE's Second Annual Report on Privatization

    The release of this report will be used to draw attention to who is pushing privatization of public services, including health care and make the case that public services are more effective, more accessible and better value.

  6. February 1st : Release of Alternative Federal Budget

    CUPE leaders will be provided with advance copies of the Alternative Federal Budget and briefing notes so they are in a position to make the case for increased funding for health care in the next federal budget.

    The release of the Alternative Budget may give CUPE leaders an opportunity to do media interviews on the topic of health care funding.

  7. February 14th: Official Public Launch of CUPE's Health Care Campaign

  8. Release of Legal Opinion on NAFTA Implications

    CUPE has commissioned a legal opinion on the impact of the Alberta proposal under NAFTA. The document will be released to the media to increase pressure on the federal government to act and on the Alberta government to back off its plan.

  9. February 29th : Country-Wide Day of Action

    "Dramatic" actions in our communities will be organized across the country targeted at the federal government. (Details of these actions will not be put in writing at this time. Stay tuned.)
Follow up

In the coming weeks, after we have had an opportunity to gauge the impact of our efforts on the federal budget and Klein's agenda, we will plan the next stage of the campaign. It is expected that Phase two will address the specific situation of health care in each of the provinces, pressing governments to take action.

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CUPE calls for federal action to strengthen medicare

OTTAWA - Canada's largest union has called on the federal government to take immediate action to prevent private hospitals and stop the spread of two-tier medicine. The move is intended to head off Alberta Premier Ralph Klein's plans to direct public funds to for-profit hospitals.

"Klein's plan for private hospitals has to be stopped," said Judy Darcy, National President of the Canadian Union of Public Employees. "If the federal government doesn't take decisive action, the future health of all Canadians is at risk."

Darcy met with federal health minister Allan Rock Friday to press demands for urgent federal action. CUPE is concerned that once private hospitals are permitted in Alberta, governments will be powerless to stop their spread across the country.

"We'll see American corporations setting up hospitals from coast to coast," said Darcy. "Patient care will suffer, wait times will increase and costs will skyrocket."

Darcy called on the minister to state clearly that the federal government would withhold funding if Alberta proceeds. If special legislation is required to stop for-profit medicine, the minister should proceed to introduce a bill as soon as Parliament resumes sitting, she said. Darcy also urged the minister to appoint a special commissioner to examine the Alberta plan and recommend action to stop the privatization of public health care.

"Private hospitals clearly contravene the spirit of the law," said Darcy. "The key thing is to nip them in the bud."

CUPE has launched an aggressive campaign in Alberta to oppose Klein's privatization scheme and is making plans for a national mobilization in defence of public health care.

"We've succeeded in the past in fighting back Klein's plans for two-tier medicine and we'll fight this latest attack on medicare," said Darcy. "But our public health system is under attack and the federal government seems paralysed.

"Even the Auditor General has criticized the federal government for sitting by while the principles of the Canada Health Act are violated. We're telling the minister the time for action is now."

CUPE represents 475,000 workers including 140,000 who work in health care.

Click here for CUPE's action alert on medicare.


Federal action needed to protect medicare

As a result of recent events in Alberta, the National Executive Committee of CUPE has decided to launch a nation-wide mobilization to protect medicare. The campaign will target the federal government, demanding immediate action to stop the threat of private hospitals and increase funding for public health care.

As well, it will put pressure on provincial governments across the country to stop the erosion of our health care system.

The latest crisis in health care was prompted by last week’s announcement by Alberta premier Ralph Klein that he would allow regional health authorities to contract with private hospitals for medical services.

Within days, the National Executive Committee had met to approve a national initiative to stop the Alberta plan, increase health care funding and strengthen Canada’s medicare system.

Details of the campaign will be decided by the National Executive Board after consultation with health care coordinators across the country. A major component of the campaign will concentrate on mobilizing members and the public within Alberta, but action is clearly needed from coast to coast.

CUPE has demanded a meeting with federal health minister Allan Rock. As well, in CUPE’s presentation to the House of Commons Finance committee on the year 2000 federal budget, we stressed the need to commit funds from the federal surplus to strengthen medicare. Further actions will target MPs, premiers and members of provincial legislatures.

What to do

Over the coming days and weeks, we’ll be providing materials and tools to help you put pressure on the federal and provincial governments to defend medicare.

  1. But here are some things you can do today.
  2. Write the federal health minister Allan Rock
  3. Fax your MP, through CUPE’s web site
  4. Contact your member of the provincial legislature
  5. Write a letter to the editor
  6. Phone in to a local hotline show
  7. Talk to your co-workers, family and friends

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