Biographical notes

Born on April 17 1961 in the city of Beira, on the ex-portuguese colony of Mozambique, the son of portuguese teachers.

Lives in Portugal, on the municipality of Vila Nova de Gaia, near Porto (Oporto) since 1968.

Attends high-school on the Liceu Nacional de Vila Nova de Gaia, graduating in 1977/78 (nuclear disciplines History and Philosophy).

On the 7th July 1977 is detained for smoking cannabis and spends a night in jail.

On 1979/80 joins the Faculty of Law in the University of Coimbra.

Elected, in successive years, for various representative bodies in the Faculty, acquires experience at conducting student struggles and negotiating academic conflicts.

Publishes several ephemeral titles of students press.

During the period of classes, lives in the Real-Rep�blica dos Pyn-g�yns, a traditional students authonomous residence.

Is active in the Ecological Group and in the Center of Cinematographic Studies of the Students Association of Coimbra (AAC).

Runs several times, on left-wing lists, for the directing bodies and, once, for the presidency of the AAC.

Between 1982 and 1985, is secretary of the editorial board of the cultural magazine 'V�rtice', publishing various articles and essays there.

In 1983, joins the Portuguese Communist Youth and, later, the Portuguese Communist Party, leaving in 1986.

Colaboration, in poetry and prose, on several national periodicals.

Graduates in Law (juridico-economical sciences) on the 10th of July 1985.

In May 15 1987, concludes probation for lawyer in the city of Porto, specializing in labour, commercial and administrative law.

Wins the Manuel Laranjeira Literary Prize with a book of poetry entitled "O �dolo da Juventude" (The Idol of Youth), unpublished.

Between 1986 and 1989 is member of the directing board of the Cine-Clube do Porto and director of its magazine 'Cineclube'.

In January 1988, opens office as a lawyer in Porto.

Between February and August 1989, works as a journalist in the national daily "O S�culo".

In September 1989, accepts a job as legal adviser in the Town Hall of Vila Nova de Gaia.

Sparse literary activity, philosophical and politico-philosophical essayism, radiophonic interventions.

Is member of the editorial board of the literary trans-vanguardist magazine '�ltima Gera��o' (Last Generation).

Participates, 1990 and 1994, in the "Confer�ncias do Inferno" (Conferences in Hell), organized by '�ltima Gera��o'.

Publishes a book of poems entitled "Ex�lio de Caim" (Chaim's Exile), Black Son Editores, Lisboa, 1992.

Participates, for a brief period, in the activities of a group of political reflexion and activism called "Inquieta��o" (Restlessness), in Porto.

Colaborates in the volume "�cones", a collection of new portuguese literature, Quatro Elementos Editora, Lisboa, 1994.

Begins the publication of a work of science-fiction: "Angelus Novus", Edi��es Mortas, Porto, 1995.

Since 1992, is a permanent colaborator of the communist magazine 'Pol�tica Oper�ria' (Workers' Politics), directed by Francisco Martins Rodrigues, publishing numerous articles of political analysis and theoretical reflexion aimed at contributing for the renewal of marxist revolutionary thought.

Since January 1994, uses the pseudonym �ngelo Novo.

Publishes a volume with translations of letters and poems from the french poet Arthur Rimbaud: "Cartas do Vision�rio e mais Nove Poemas", Fora do Texto, Coimbra, 1995.

Is a candidate on the local elections of 1997, as an independent, on the lists of CDU, a left-wing coalition dominated by the Portuguese Communist Party.

In November 2000, publishes a volume of essays under the title "O estranho caso da morte de Karl Marx" (The strange case of the death of Karl Marx)

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