The Final steps

1: Be active in your troop and patrol for at least 6 month as a Life Scout.

2: Demonstrate Scout spirit by living the Scout Oath (Promise) and Scout Law in your everyday life.

3:Earn a total of 21 merit badges 12 required and 9 non required.

4: While a Life Scout, serve actively for a period of 6 months in one or more Leadership position.

5: While a Life Scout, plan, develop, and give leadership to others in a serve project helpful to any religious institution, any school, or your community. (The project should benefit an organization other than Boy Scouts.) The project idea must be approved by the organizations benefiting from the effort, your Scoutmaster and troop committee, and the council or district before you start. You must use the Life to Eagle Packet, in meeting this requirment.

6: Take part in a Scoutmaster conference.

7: Successfully complete an Eagle Scout board of review.

The Troop 88 Eagles

Eagle Scout
Jeff Moser

Eagle Scout
Chris Wilkens

Eagle Scout
Christopher John Duke

Eagle Scout
Kevin Thomas Kelly

Eagle Scout
John David Clark

Eagle Scout
Bill Longcor

Eagle Scout
Darrin Wolsko

Eagle Scout
Stephen Paul Duke

Eagle Scout
Mark Truesdell

Eagle Scout
Anthony Kuntz

Eagle Scout
Mike Salkewicz

Eagle Scout
Joseph Suplicki


It seems just a few short months have passed,
Since he joined with the youngsters next door.
How proud he was then of his Tenderfoot pin,
As he told her the message it bore.
But the years have gone by as he struggled along,
To learn what the Scout Law's about.
He practiced then daily the Oath and the Law,
Until now he's an EAGLE SCOUT.

You may smile in your worldly old wisdom at this
And say, "Why it's only a pin."
But I tell you no honor he'll gain as a man,
Will mean just as much to him.

The red, white, and blue of the ribbon you see,
Are the symbols of honor and truth.
He has learned how to value these fine attributes,
In the glorious days of his youth.
In the outflinging wings of the EAGLE that rests
On the breast of the knight of today,
Are the things that will lift him above petty deeds,
And guide him along the right way.

Yes, it's only a pin......just an EAGLE SCOUT badge,
But the heart that's beneath it beats true.
And will throb to the last for the things which are good,
A lesson for me,..............And a lesson for you!

The first American Eagles Scout

Steps to Eagle

Famous Eagle Scouts

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