The god of Rage videos
The Electric Factory
Philly '93
Washington, DC '93
Nixon's Death Bash

Mesa, AZ 9-2-97 (Maynard from Tool comes out for Know Your Enemy)

Marilyn Manson

Myrtle Beach, SC 1995

Metallica Chattanooga, 3/12/92 Pro Shot


Tool Montral, Canada 11/29/96 + interviews and videos
Providence, RI 5/1/92 + promo videos

Samhain - Live in L.A. 1983

Ice-T/Bodycount 2/11/92, Chicago, Ill.

Insane Clown Possee

9-18-97 Temple, AZ
11-15-97 Tuscon, AZ

Live -- live at the Beacon Theatre

Aphex Twin

Come to Viddy

I'm only really interested in tradeing videos now, because I can get almost any song on if you want to trade some vids, mail me!

Before e-mailing me for a trade or 2:1, be sure to read my rules.

See something you want? If so mail me so we can work out a trade! Born Against 'em

If we trade, the videos that do not have links, I don't have the set lists to, so of course I won't be able to give you the set list for them.

You are visitor to my bootleg page since 6/5/98

This page last updated on 8/28/01 11:24 a.m. (EST)

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Toasts' Bootleg Tradeing
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