Map of Clinton Scandals

(Source unknown -- If you know this is copyrighted material, please let me know ASAP!
Unlike liberals, we conservatives believe in property rights and private ownership.)

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NOTE: "*" denotes a death, possibly related to "the body count."


                           ______Jean Lewis_________
                          /                         \
                         /           Web Hubbell  RTC criminal
                        /           /          \  referrals  
                       /    Arkansas            \      \     
The Clintons ___Whitewater__Indictments    RTC/Treasury coverup
            |\                      \             \         
            | \___ Travelgate__      \___ David Hale's loan_
            |              |   \                            |
            |              ?    \____ Billy Dale Trial      |
            |WH coverup &  | Helen     \                    |
            |_office search| Dickey     \__Missing documents|
            | \            |     \                          |
            |  \__*Vince Foster's death______ Fiske coverup |
            |     \                    |\                   |
            |      \_Foreign trips     | \___ Starr coverup |
 The Ives   |                          |                    |
 case-Mena  | Walsh coverup/9 quashed  |_Park Police coverup|
 connection |  \ investigations        |                    |
 +--------->|   \    The Ives case(A)  |_Forged suicide note|
 |          |    \  /                                       |
 |          |___ Mena____ L.D. Brown allegations ___________|
 |          |     |   \                                      
 |          | massive  \__ Terry Reed Litigation   Larry Nichols
 |          | media &   \                             /       |
 |      +---<| congressnl.\__ Money Laundering ___ ADFA___(B)  |
 |     |    | coverup     \__Barry Seal Assasination          |
 |     |    |                                                 |
 |     |    |____ Troopergate ________Allegations of troopers |
 |     |    |                   \    \                        |
 | Lasater  |____ Paula Jones affair  \________ Gennifer Flowers
 | - ADFA   |                       \           Sally Perdue    
 |connection|                        \         "Bimbo Eruptions"
 |     |    |_____"The Body Count"___Kathy Ferguson **  |    
 |     |    | |  \                  \                   |    
 |     |    | |   \_Dennis Patrick * \___Luther "Jerry" Parks *
 |     |    | |(A)              |         |                   
 +--------<| |__ The Ives Case |         |                   
       |    |        ********   |         |                   
       |    |_____Allegations of|cocaine use____             
       |    |                   |               \
       +--->|     (B)ADFA       |                \     
            |       \           |                 \       
            |        \_The Lasater connection___"Angel Fire"
            |                         |     |                
            |____ Diversion of bank funds to|campaign __    
            |     personal and business use |           |    
            |                               |           |
            |______Political favors for business favors_|_______
            |    \                          \           |       |
            |     \___The Tyson connection__ \_Flowerwood Farms |
            |        \                |     \            \      |
            |         \___ Cattlegate_|_ HRC's shady busines deals
            |                \        |        |\               |
            |                 \__  Jim Blair   | \__Rose Law Firm
            |                     "Red" Bone   |          |  
            |                                  |          |  
            |____ HRC's medical stock windfall_|    Vince Foster *
            |                                  |    Web Hubbell 
            |____ HRC's Health Panel deceptions-    Bernie Nussbaum
            |____ WJC's draft dodging deceptions             
            |____ WJC's participation in foreign anti-U.S. 
                  demonstrations during the Vietnam War

(8 May 1996)

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