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    Questi sono gli spunti più interessanti tratti da un'intervista fatta a Bill Kaysing

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    Perchè si sono scordati delle stelle?

    "...They could not fake the stars and maps because there are too many astronomy buffs, and I've talked to a lot of them. They would have measured the angularity between stars and the position of the stars behind, let's say, the Earth. No way, even with the most advanced computers, could they have created star pictures that would have been, let's say, acceptable to the astronomy buffs. So at MIT, where the simulation took place, the planning for it took place, they simply decided to stonewall it and not include any pictures of stars at all ..."


    Altri problemi...

    "...One of the major problems, of course, was trying to get things to work in essentially an alien environment. Outer space is no picnic. You've got the Van Allen belt around the Earth, you know, about twenty miles up, the Van Allen belt would probably have cooked any astronauts who ventured into that area. Then you've got outer space where there are billions of micro meteorites zipping around at speeds up to 60 000 miles per hour, and these would have gone right through the command capsule with the astronauts in it, and kept right on going, and these micro meteorites are all different sizes, from the head of a pin to, say, the size of a grapefruit and larger..."


    Perchè scrivere questo libro ?

    "...Well, I don't know. What motivated me to spill the beans was a young man from the Vietnam wars by the name of John Grant. He said that he was sent to Vietnam to kill people with no good reason and he also got a heroin habit, and he says, "Bill," he says, "what I want you to do is blow the whistle on this rotten, corrupt government." He says, "Why don't you say something outrageous, like, we never went to the moon?" So I attribute my interest in this project to John Grant..."


    Altro sul cratere

    "NTHS: What about the operation of the lunar module, in the sense that it takes place thousands of miles above the moon, this is what NASA says. The big explosion that comes from the lunar module, when it lands on the moon, it happens way up above the moon, and that's why there's no crater. What about that explanation? BK: Well, you know yourself that the lunar lander eventually had to, according to NASA, land on the moon. Well, as it approached the landing point, the engine still had to develop enough thrust to keep the lunar lander, which weighs, in lunar gravity, about 3000 pounds, they had to develop enough thrust to keep it floating above the surface in order to let it gently land on the surface. But that obviously was not substantiated by any crater under the lunar lander engine."


    Chi altro è morto oltre a Baron?

    "...Jim Irwin - Apollo 15 - was put up to blowing the whistle on the whole project and he called me up, ostensibly to give me the facts. Few days later he died of a heart attack. Now what does that tell you?..."


    Tute e porte...

    "NTHS: Is there any way of going to the Smithsonian in Washington and looking at the stuff and seeing that it is fake? BK: Oh, yeah. One of my friends went to the Smithsonian and he measured the exit door of the lunar lander and found out that astronauts wearing their life-support systems could not have gone out that door, they were too big..."












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