Sickle Cell Anemia

*141900 Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man Entry

Blood Disorders Yahoo: Health Diseases Conditions

Sickle Cell Disease Yahoo Health Diseases Conditions

Nitric Oxide Gas May Treat, Prevent Sickle Cell Crisis

Bone Marrow Transplantation Can Provide Cure For Sickle Cell Disease

Duke Researchers Call Gene Therapy A Promising Strategy For
                 Sickle Cell Anemia

Researchers Publish Data In Current Issue Of Science on Novel RNA
                 Repair Technology To Treat Sickle Cell Anemia

Gene Therapy Hold Promise For Sickle Cell Disease

Transplants In The Womb Can Cure Blood Diseases

Prevention of a First Stroke by Transfusions in Children with Sickle
                 Cell Anemia

Sickle Cell Disease - New Treatments, New Questions

Sickle Cell Anemia in Adults: Avoiding Crises, Organ Damage

Inheritance of an Illness     National Center for Human Genome Research,
                    National Institutes of Health.

sickle cell disease : medical photographs

The DNA Files - GENE THERAPY - The Topic In-Depth

The DNA Files - Resources


From smoking to sumatriptan, researchers present important new findings

Gene therapy and sickle cell disease: Religious perspectives

North American study aims to optimize stroke prevention in children with
           sickle cell disease

Mutant Zebrafish Provide Clues About Human Anemia

Spina Bifida

182940Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man Entry

Spina Bifida Yahoo Health Diseases Conditions

Adults Need To Increase Intake Of Folate; Some Women Should Take More

Currently Recommended Folate Intake May Be Insufficient For Large
                 Group Of People

Spina Bifida Disability Resources Directory Index

Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus

Children with Spina Bifida

The Queensland Association for People with Spina Bifida or Hydrocephalus

Food Fortification Plan Likely To Reduce Birth Defects Risks

Fetal Surgery For Spina Bifida Still Under Investigation At VUMC

Northwestern program aims at revealing genetic causes of spina bifida

Gene discovery offers insight into spina bifida

Spinal Muscular Atrophy

#313200 Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man Entry

#253550 Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man Entry

#253400 Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man Entry

#253300 Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man Entry

Allegheny-Singer Research Institute

Spinal Muscular Atrophy Yahoo Health Diseases Conditions

Spinal Muscular Atrophy Homepage

Molecular Basis Of Leading Genetic Cause Of Infant Death Discovered

Jackson Laboratory Researchers Identify Neuromuscular Degeneration Gene

New Insight Into Genetic Cause Of Infant Mortality


Spinal disease may be thwarted by extra genes, study suggests

Mouse with iron disorder offers clues to Parkinson's, similar diseases

McCaw/Muscular Dystrophy Association fund supports

Tay Sachs

*272800 Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man Entry

National Tay-Sachs & Allied Diseases Association

Tay-Sachs Yahoo Health Diseases Conditions

Tay-Sachs disease : medical photographs

The DNA Files - Transgenics Scenario

The DNA Files - HUMAN GENOME PROJECT - Program Summary

Experimental drug reverses effects of Fabry disease in mice

Jefferson Researchers Use Gene Therapy To Treat Rare, Inherited Brain Disease

Human Neural Stem Cells Advance Distant Prospect Of Reseeding Damaged Brain

UB biophysicists discover high-speed motility in cells in response to voltage changes


Thalassemia Yahoo Health Diseases Conditions

Thalassemia Berlini Foundation Against Thalassemia

Thalassemia The Fight Against Thalassemia

Omim Catalogue #: 300032

New RNA Repair May Lead To More Successful Gene Therapy

Gene Therapy Hold Promise For Sickle Cell Disease

Drug for iron overload passes major safety hurdle, may benefit patients
               with thalassemia ...

Scientists correct genetic illness thalassemia in human blood cells

Trisomy 13, 18

601161Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man Entry

257300 Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man Entry

Trisomy Yahoo Health Diseases Conditions

Dr. Greene's House Calls - Trisomy 13 information on chances of having
                    a second baby with trisomy 13.

Rainbows from Down Under providing information and support for
                    Trisomy 18, 13, and other related Chromosomal Disorders.

Edwards syndrome (Trisomy 18) : medical photographs

Patau syndrome (Trisomy 13) : photographs

The DNA Files - Resources

The DNA Files - Resources - Genes & Medicine

Support Organization for Trisomy 13 and 18 info about annual conferences,
                    literature, newsletter, and links to other resources for families
                    having a child with Trisomy 18, 13, or other chromosome disorders.

Trisomy 13 Syndrome

Trisomy 13/18

Chromosome 18 Registry & Research Society

Trisomy 18 Syndrome

Tourette's Syndrome

*137580 Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man Entry

Tourette Syndrome Brain Disorders Network

Tourette Syndrome Yahoo Health Diseases Conditions

 A Story of Tourette Syndrome Tourette syndrome is a condition of the
                    central nervous system that causes tics, movements, or sounds
                    that are repeated over and over. Learn more about Tourette in this
                    article for kids

Tourette's Disorder and  Tourette Syndrome

DSM-III-R definition of Tourette's Disorder

Guide to the Diagnosis and Treatment of Tourette Syndrome

Tourette Syndrome Primer

Tourette Syndrome (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke)

Tourette Syndrome Information

Medical Treatment of Tourette Syndrome

What Makes Tics Tick? Clues Found In Tourette Twins' Caudates

The DNA Files - Behind the Scenes - Who We Are

Drug therapies for Tourette syndrome-related tics tested in clinical trials

Emory University researchers say cholinergic agents may offer relief from tics in adults ...

Brain Antibodies Provide New Clues To Origins Of Tourette's

Nicotine patch helps control symptoms of Tourette's syndrome

New research on Tourette's syndrome

Tic disorders related to problems in school, more common in children

Hopkins researchers find tourette drug has unexpected effect

Tourette’s, other tic disorders far more common than once thought

Turner's Syndrome

Turner's Syndrome Yahoo Health Diseases Conditions

Turner's Syndrome Society, Texas

Turner syndrome : medical photographs (includes fetal photographs
                which may be disturbing; if  in doubt, don't follow this link)

Turner Syndrome in a Life Span Perspective

Mosaic, Turner syndrome Short description of cell lines. Pathology:
                Turner syndrome, mosaic

Pedbase, Turner's Syndrome This site includes information on: definition,
                epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, organ malfunctions,
                investigations, and management.

Vanderbilt Medical Center Projects involved with Turner's Syndrome.

Turner's Syndrome Society of the US - information about TS, pictures,
                cyber persons, TSS chapter locations, newsletter excerpts,
                convention information and Internet pointers galore. Visit again
                since this site is updated regularly.

A Turner Syndrome Site - dealing with a personal account of someone
                who has the Syndrome, and it contains poems, journal entries,
                and a biography.

Bianca's Story

Justin's Page  about his daughter's fight with the disease.

Study Paints New Picture Of Y Chromosome As A Safe Haven For Male
                Fertility Genes

Science Friday April 30, 1999: Hour Two: The X Chromosome
                On this hour of Science Friday, we'll talk about the X chromosome
                and what it does  Listen to this program in RealAudio!

Decision to abolish gender testing at Sydney Olympics supported by Yale physician

Study Paints New Picture Of Y Chromosome As A Safe Haven For Male Fertility Genes

NIH: Turner Syndrome Clinical Studies

William's Syndrome

Williams Syndrome Association

Omim Catalogue #: 194050

Williams Syndrome Yahoo Health Diseases Conditions

Williams Syndrome Involvement of the Elastic Fiber inHuman Disease

Williams syndrome : photographs

Williams Syndrome: UD Research Pinpoints Language And Learning Traits

Williams Syndrome: New UD Study May Shed Light On Rare Genetic Disorder

Xeroderma Pigmentosa

Omim Catalogue #: 278700

Camp SundownAll Things Considered host Linda Wertheimer visits
                Camp Sundown in New  York's Hudson River Valley. It's for kids
                who have a rare skin disease called Xeroderma Pigmentosum or
                XP. The disease makes any exposure to sunlight or ultraviolet
                rays deadly.

Xeroderma Pigmentosum Society

The DNA Files - Resources - Genes & Medicine

The Children Of The Moon

Understanding Xeroderma Pigmentosum [PDF]

Christophe Ramsamy

Xeroderma Pigmentosum

Mutational Inactivation of the Xeroderma Pigmentosum Group C Gene

Prevention of skin cancer in xeroderma pigmentosum with the use
                  of oral isotretinoin

Abnormal, error-prone bypass of photoproducts by xeroderma
                  pigmentosum variant cell extracts results in extreme strand bias
                  for the kinds of mutations induced by UV light.

- Splice Mutations in Xeroderma Pigmentosum Group C DNA: Intron
                  Retention and Exon Skipping

- Doxorubicin and <Gamma> rays increase the level of DNA topoisomerase
                  II<alpha> in nuclei of normal and xeroderma pigmentosum fibroblasts


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Last update January 21. 2002

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