Mercury:The Barren World  
Mythology of Mercury

    In Roman mythology Mercury is the god of commerce, travel and thievery, the Roman counterpart of the Greek god Hermes, the messenger of the Gods.

    The planet probably received this name because it moves so quickly across the sky.

Observation Records

    Mercury has been visited by only one spacecraft, Mariner 10.


    Mercury's orbit is highly eccentric; at perihelion it is only 46 million km from the Sun but at aphelion it is 70 million.
    Mercury is the only body in the solar system known to have an orbital/rotational resonance with a ratio other than 1:1.

    Temperature variations on Mercury are the most extreme in the solar system ranging from 90 K to 700 K. Mercury is heavily cratered and it has no atmosphere; it exhibits no plate tectonics.

    Mercury is has density 5.43 gm/cm3.

    Mercury's dense iron core is relatively larger than Earth's, and has only a relatively thin silicate mantle and crust.

    One of the largest features on Mercury's surface is the Caloris Basin ;it is about 1300 km in diameter.
    Amazingly, radar observations of Mercury's north pole show evidence of water ice in some craters.

    Mercury has a small magnetic field whose strength is about 1% of Earth's.

    Mercury has no known satellites.

 Mercury Statistics

 Mass (kg) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.303 x 1023
 Mass (Earth = 1) --------------------------------------------------------------- 5.5271 x 10-02
 Equatorial radius (km) ---------------------------------------------------------- 2,439.7
 Equatorial radius (Earth = 1) ---------------------------------------------------- 3.8252 x 10-01
 Mean density (gm/cm3) --------------------------------------------------------- 5.42
 Mean distance from the Sun (km) ----------------------------------------------- 57,910,000
 Mean distance from the Sun (Earth = 1) ----------------------------------------- 0.3871
 Rotational period (days) --------------------------------------------------------- 58.6462
 Orbital period (days) ------------------------------------------------------------ 87.969
 Mean orbital velocity (km/sec) --------------------------------------------------- 47.88
 Orbital eccentricity -------------------------------------------------------------- 0.2056
 Tilt of axis (degrees) ------------------------------------------------------------- 0.00
 Orbital inclination (degrees) ------------------------------------------------------ 7.004
 Equatorial surface gravity (m/sec2) ----------------------------------------------- 2.78
 Equatorial escape velocity (km/sec) ---------------------------------------------- 4.25
 Visual geometric albedo ---------------------------------------------------------- 0.10
 Magnitude (Vo) ------------------------------------------------------------------ -1.9
 Mean surface temperature -------------------------------------------------------- 179°C
 Maximum surface temperature ---------------------------------------------------- 427°C
 Minimum surface temperature ----------------------------------------------------- -173°C

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