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Rumours and Truth
but mostly rumours

compiled by Pete Thompson



Well, the rumour mill is going at full tilt again. No surprise. So far, all we really know for sure is that Nav Canada will be making an announcement about when they're going to make the announcement about the announcement.
Let's jump right in...

(legal stuff: This is all rumour...nothing is substantiated. Anything said on this page is purely speculative and for entertainment purposes ONLY!)

U.S. controllers got a 25% raise. Top salary down there is now $104,000 US. Facilities Managers get $122k and Regional Managers get $130k
If this one is true, then our bargaining power just went up.

The FAA has a bill before congress allowing them to change the law so that the US can hire "foreign" controllers. They could easily absorb several thousand over the next five years.
Wow! If this one is true, then our bargaining postition just went through the roof!! Can you say $150,000++ to stay in Canada??

Closer to home: The Shift Manager's are preparing to work straight midnights because they know it's coming. A current DSC will move over to fill the CSM spot until a certain terminal controller is well enough to slide into the big chair.
Who knows? Not me!

The airlines were prepared to offer us discount seats, but Nav-Canada nixed the deal because they figured they could use it as a plum during negotiations.

We're all getting a Christmas bonus this year!
And I have a bridge you might be interested in purchasing.

Winnipeg Centre is moving!
Okay this is an old one, but it's still being discussed (at length!)

Here's a great FSS rumour: Winnipeg FSS and Regina FSS, and several others, will be combining in a big building located on Moray Street in Winnipeg. Apparently the building will be empty because all the operations inside are moving to YEG/YYZ
This one really is making the rounds of the FSS.

Nav Canada will be opening a FSS station in Island Lake.
God knows they need it, but is it cost effective to provide a good service?

That's all for this issue. Keep the grist mill churning!


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