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by Steve Molloy
[email protected]

Two meetings were held since the last publication of the Winnipeg Beacon.

Branch Executive Meeting - 15 October, 1997.

The one agenda item was the formulation of a plan to take to the members concerning efforts on the part of our Branch to keep Winnipeg ACC open. It was agreed among the Executive that it was a worthwhile venture, but that if a clear majority of Branch members had no interest in keeping the Center here, then we would not go ahead. Some ideas were discussed in general on the topic, and a Branch Council Meeting was tentatively scheduled.

Branch Council Meeting - 26 October, 1997.

Dave Doerksen, Branch Chairman, opened the meeting by discussing in general terms, the adjudication ongoing concerning Midnight Staffing. He reminded the Stewards to inform the members at large that Management are looking for scapegoats, and that the midnight shifts are a place that they would be looking to nail people.

The proposals submitted to Nav Canada for collective bargaining were reviewed by the Council, and a short discussion was held.

The issue of CATCA Shirts came up. An updated list of who was without shirts was solicited. As a related matter, an up-to-date phone list was stressed as communication breakdowns should be avoided at all costs. It was decided that students in the Regional School who have been assigned a Specialty course would be the responsibility of that Specialty Steward. Everyone agreed that the list Pete Thompson was responsible for was too overwhelming to deal with. New students not assigned a course will remain Pete's responsibility.

Save WG ACC was discussed, and it was agreed that it was a worthwhile endeavour. The stewards were instructed to contact their members to poll them on their view. Once results were received, the Executive would go forward with it.

Stan Enns, having won a competition for a position in Headquarters, announced that he would be resigning from Branch Council. Ron Chase will be the Steward representing the DSC's. Stan was thanked for his dedication to the Branch, and for many years of service to us.

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