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BC Speaks Out!

by Colin Baribeau




I hear these complaints about CATCA National, Regional, and Branch on a regular basis. Some individuals feel that the association has become self-serving - that the executive has forgotten about the operational controller. Others would have you believe that the union is unprofessional and ill prepared. And, on occasion, I have even heard that our contract expectations are unrealistic and unobtainable.
In fact, through extensive research, the National Executive has confirmed that Canadian Air Traffic Controllers work under one of the most repressive ATC contracts of any of the industrialized nations in the world. Sixty years of government meddling and intervention have been incredibly detrimental to our profession, yet we continue to provide one of the safest and most efficient control services in the world. It is with good reason then that CATCA's expectations are so great under a private air navigation system.

At Branch level, the representatives of the association have set aside their personal agendas and volunteered their time so that every Air Traffic Controller, in the Center, may benefit from better working conditions. Progress, however slow, continues to be made on unresolved issues and usually without the full co-operation of controllers in those respective specialties. It is time to set aside our personal differences and self-serving ways. The expectations of the association and each individual can only be realized by a strong and united membership.
Over one year ago the Saskatchewan Specialty demonstrated how effective teamwork, unity, and perseverance could be. Having 100% participation and resolve, their goal was achieved in a relatively short period of time. We can learn from their example and accept responsibility for our future by communicating our ideas and opinions, and educating our co-workers. We must also be open, honest, and receptive to the goals and expectations of our peers. Only then can we truly be accountable to one another.

With your full support CATCA has the ability to accomplish everything. The Members of CATCA can realize the benefits, salary, and respect that they have earned as the PROVIDERS of the Worlds most respected Air Navigation Service. We must remain united, we must work together, and we will persevere. The Next time you want to ask, "What has CATCA done for me?" question yourself because YOU are CATCA! Now is the time to be ACCOUNTABLE & to take RESPONSIBILTY for your future. Its quite simple, PARTICIPATE.

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